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1. Bandura
2. Gardner
3. Sternberg
4. Gagne

it is more fruitful to describe an individual’s cognitive ability in terms of several relatively independent but interacting cognitive capacities... a profile of intelligences

successful intelligence is the use of an integrated set of abilities needed to attain success in life,

Children’s perceived social efficacy and efficacy to manage peer pressure from detrimental conduct also contributed to academic attainments but through partially different paths of affective and self-regulatory influence.

“Individual in different cultures may think about concepts and problems in different ways.

I claim that human beings have a number of relatively discrete intellectual capacities. IQ tests assess linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence, and sometimes spatial intelligence; and they are a reasonably good predictor of who will do well in a 20th (note: NOT 21st) century secular school.

Giftedness designates the possession and use of natural abilities

A study analyzed the network of psychosocial influences through which efficacy beliefs affect academic achievement.

“Instruction and assessment need to be undersood and thought about within the cultural context in which they occur.

identifies five major categories of learning: verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, motor skills and attitudes.

Students bring to the classroom diverse intellectual profiles, one “IQ” measure is insufficient

"I define [intelligence] as your skill in achieving whatever it is you want to attain in your life within your sociocultural capitalizing on your strengths and compensating for, or correcting, your weaknesses

The Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent

7 ways people see and perceive the world

Talent designates the outstanding mastery of abilities and knowledge

triad of intelligence

self-efficacy & self regulation