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Berlin Airlift

Aid provided to nations resisting communism. First to receive aid were Turkey and Greece.

Military Alliance of the Western Powers in the Cold War

Iron Curtain Speech

Soviet plan to help rebuild the economies of Eastern Europe. Response to the Marshall Plan in the West.


Informal declaration of the Cold War identifying that there was a conflict between the Communist East and Democratic West

Aid to help rebuild European economies in order to ward off communism. Money had to be spent on American goods.

Marshall Plan

Warsaw Pact

Berlin Wall

American response to the Berlin Blockade.

Eastern European military alliance.

Molotov Plan


Tried to become democratic in 1956 only to have Soviet tanks roll in and stop the revolution.

An attempt to get the Americans to give up their influence over West Berlin by not allowing goods into the city.

Berlin Blockade

Truman Doctrine

Built in 1961 in order to stop defections from East Germany to the West.