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Asexual reproduction involves one parent who passes all of their genes to their offspring.


Sexual reproduction involves two parents who pass a combination of their traits to an offspring.


Since 100% of genetic material is passed on from one parent, offsprings are an exact copy (or uniform) of the parent. Therefor, offsprings of asexual organisms have no genetic diversity (difference).


Hydras reproduce asexually through a process called budding. The hydra creates a bud or copy of itself that eventually breaks off and creates an exact copy of the parent.


Both the male and female pass on 50% of their DNA to their offspring. Since the offspring is a combination of two different parents, they are considered genetically diverse (different).


Both sexual and asexual reproduction involve passing traits onto their offsprings (child). The passing of genetic traits from one generation to the next is call heredity.


Sweet potatoes reproduce asexually through a process called vegetative propagation where the plant reproduces by growing exact copies of itself that are connected by the vine.


Offsprings from sexual reproduction, like this baby, have traits from both their parents. That is why a baby never looks 100% like the mother or 100% like their father.


Advantages: quick reproduction time and only one parent is needed


Advantages: Offsprings are diverse so they are able to survive if environment changes.


Disadvantage: 2 parents needed and reproduction is slow (it takes 9 month for a baby to be born)