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2. Identification method and assessment environmental impact

Mitigation measures: They are actions to minimize negative impacts and effects of a project, work or activity on the environment.

Direct area of influence: It´s comprised of all areas of intervention works, all camps, storage facilities and temporary facilities and green areas adjacent to the front intervention.

Correction measures: They are actions to recover, restore or repair environmental conditions affected by the project.

Checklists:It’s a simple identification method, which is used to preliminary evaluations

Networks:They are diagrams that integrate the causes of the impacts and consequences, by identifying the interrelationships between activities or actions impacted causal and environmental factors, including those representing their secondary and tertiary effects

Prevention Measures: They are actions to avoid negative impacts and effects that can generate a project, work or activity on the environment

Mapping systems:It´s about mapping matrix-impact obtained. a superposition of the same is performed and listed undesirable impacts.

Compensation Measures: They are actions to compensate to the communities, regions, localities and the natural environment by impacts or negative effects generated by a project, work or activity that can not be avoided, corrected, mitigated or replaced.

Area of influence indirect: It’s understood through authorized channels and used as detours, roads used for transporting materials and debris and points where at the demand of the Management Plan Traffic signals have been installed.

Simulation: They are mathematical models to represent the structure and operation of environmental systems, exploring from a set of hypotheses and assumptions made by the actions of a Project

Matrices: Methods that are preliminary and very valuable qualitative to assess the various alternatives of the same Project