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1 . Steigerung ( comparative )

Bei einsilbigen Adjektiven wird - er angehängt . z . B . old - older
Bei zweisilbigen Adjektiven die auf - y enden , wird - ier angehängt . z . B . happy - happier
Vorsicht : big - bigger , hot - hotter
Alle anderen zwei - und mehrsilbigen Adjektive bekommen vorne dran ein more . z . B . interesting - more interesting

This book is ____________________ than that one . ( cheap )
My house is ____________________ than yours . ( small )
This test is ____________________ than the last one . ( easy )
She is ____________________ today than yesterday . ( happy )
My car is ____________________ than his car . ( old )
This cake is ____________________ than the one we had last time . ( good )
Today is ____________________ than yesterday . ( hot )
This movie is ____________________ than the other one . ( scary )
She is ____________________ ____________________ than her sister . ( famous )
This book is ____________________ ____________________ than the magazine . ( interesting )
This chair is ____________________ ____________________ than the bench . ( comfortable )
His drawing is ____________________ than mine . ( good )
This summer is ____________________ than last summer . ( hot )
That story was ____________________ than this one . ( scary )
He is ____________________ now than he was last week . ( happy )

2 . Steigerung ( superlative )

Bei einsilbigen Adjektiven hängst man für den Superlativ - est an . small - smallest
Bei zweisilbigen Adjektiven , die mit - y enden , hängt man - iest an . z . B . happy - happiest
Alle anderen zwei - und mehrsilbigen Adjektive bekommen ein most vorne dran . z . B . interesting - most interesting

This is the ____________________ dog I have ever seen . ( small )
This isn't the ____________________ meal available . ( cheap )
Is this the ____________________ way to get there ? ( easy )
She is the ____________________ person in the room . ( happy )
That is the ____________________ ____________________ car on the market . ( expensive )
This isn't the ____________________ ____________________ book I've read . ( interesting )
Is this the ____________________ river in the country ? ( long )
This is the ____________________ ____________________ painting here . ( colourful )
He isn't the ____________________ person I know . ( crazy )
Is this the ____________________ tree in the park ? ( big )
This is the ____________________ ____________________ movie of the year . ( interesting )
That isn't the ____________________ cake they make . ( good )
Is this the ____________________ ____________________ bird you've seen ? ( colourful )
This is the ____________________ book I have ever read . ( long )
She isn't the ____________________ she's ever been . ( happy )

Some and any .

Bei Fragen und Verneinungen verwendet man any .
Bei Aussagen verwendet man some .

I have ____________________ apples .
I don't have ____________________ apples .
Do you have ____________________ apples ?
She has ____________________ money .
She doesn't have ____________________ money .
Does she have ____________________ money ?
We have ____________________ questions .
We don't have ____________________ questions .
Do you have ____________________ questions ?
He found ____________________ keys .
He hasn't found ____________________ keys .
Has he found ____________________ keys ?
They bought ____________________ books .
They haven't bought ____________________ books .
Have they bought ____________________ books ?

Mengenangaben mit much , many , lots of

Bei Fragen und Verneinungen verwendet man much bei nicht zählbaren Nomen und many bei zählbaren Nomen .
Bei Aussagen verwendet man lots of oder a lot of .

I have ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ friends .
I don't have ____________________ friends .
Do I have ____________________ friends ?
She has ____________________ ____________________ money .
She doesn't have ____________________ money .
Does she have ____________________ money ?
We saw ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ birds .
We didn't see ____________________ birds .
Did we see ____________________ birds ?
He eats ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ fruit .
He doesn't drink ____________________ water .
Does he eat ____________________ sugar ?
They have ____________________ ____________________ books .
They don't have ____________________ books .
Do they have ____________________ books ?