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Competitive Advantage

Tacit Knowledge

Explicit Knowledge

Knowledge that can be formalized, codified, and communicated

An upper hand over other firms in an industry

The acquisition of training and development activities from outside a company

A company’s planned effort to facilitate employees’ learning of job-related competencies

Personal knowledge that is based on individual experience and that is difficult to explain to others



Talent Management

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Learning Organization

The process of moving jobs from the United States to other locations in the world

A company that has an enhanced capacity to learn, adapt, and change

Relies on the talents and capabilities of both labor & management to build & provide high-quality products and services and continuously improve them

Formal education, job experiences, relationships, and assessments of personality and abilities that help employees prepare for the future

The process of attracting, retaining, developing, and motivating highly skilled employees and managers

Intellectual Capital

Customer Capital


Human Capital

Social Capital

The codified knowledge that exists in a company

The value of relationships with persons or other organizations outside a company for accomplishing the goals of the company

The value of relationships among employees within a company

A company’s ability to maintain and gain market share in an industry

The sum of the attributes, life experiences, knowledge, inventiveness, energy, and enthusiasm that a company’s employees invest in their work