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_____ happens as countries grow interconnected & share new ideas with each other; Ethnocentrism will always conflict with this.

Due to their different _____ U.S. troops encountered hostility from local Afghans; this is one of two reactions societies can have to new ideas

_____ are cultural characteristics present in all cultures, & there are 70 of them, according to social scientists.

Citizens are more likely to uphold traditions if they believe they are superior, which is an advantage of ethnocentrism, adding to society's _____

The division of child care between men and women is an example of a _____ , which is how cultural universals are expressed by a society.

The Nazis killed 6 million Jews in the name of racial purity, a disadvantage of ethnocentrism, when people are divided and driven to _____ and _____.

_____ include producing goods and services, & teaching culture to new members, both are examples of why cultural universals exist.

_____ helps people sacrifice their lives for the good of the country, which is an advantage of ethnocentrism.

China built walls to keep out invaders, but they also kept out _____ , a disadvantage of ethnocentrism, when a society becomes too inflexible

People cannot imagine any other ____ after they commit strongly to their culture.

_____ is caused by ethnocentrism, something that happens when tourists travel to a new culture and everything is different.

Members of schools, _____ , & churches all feel their way of life should be adopted, an example of ethnocentrism at the individual level.

_____ takes place when people committed to their culture & then start evaluating other cultures in terms of their own

When a nation scores low in the _____ , people believe that nation holds a low status on the world stage, an example of international ethnocentrism.

All people die, so all societies have funeral rites, an example of how _____ similarity account for cultural universals.

All people will die in the _____ , so they all need shelters, which is an example of why cultural universals exist.

Ethnocentrism can be seen in state rivalries within the U.S., _____ that are founded on extreme cases of ethnocentrism.

When people believe they are superior, they feel good about themselves and the group, which creates _____ , which is an advantage of ethnocentrism

One disadvantage of ethnocentrism is the racism used against ____ in the 1960s, racism that the civil rights movement rose and fought against.

Ethnocentrism is found in all countries, because people end up _____ their culture and feeling anxious when they are around someone else's culture