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Don't speak

For clarity, keep the mouthpiece

Don't talk too loudly or softly.

Be courteous even if the other

Listen to what the caller has to say

Answer the phone with a greeting such as "Hello" or

If you have to call back later, give the person a time.

Smile. They can't see it,

If there's a lot of ambient noise around you,

If you're making a call or expecting one, don't eat or drink.

without interrupting.

Once you promise, don't fail to make the call.

about two fingers away from your lips.

too fast.

party is belligerent or belittling.

If you're not sure how many decibels you regularly use, call a friend and get feedback.

"Good morning," and follow up with your name and the company name.

Talking through a mouthful of sandwich is often unintelligible.

but it puts a positive spin on your voice.

use your mute button when you're not speaking.