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Rosa Parks

segregation according to law

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Freedom Summer

Baptist minister; face of the Civil Rights movement


de facto segregation

taking buses throughout the deep south to protest against segregation

George Wallace

Thurgood Marshall

banned literacy tests and allowed federal government to oversee elections where states discriminate against minorities

Black Panthers

JFK signed this for equal pay for women doing equal work

Civil Rights Act of 1964

freedom riders

non-violent form of protest; usually at restaurant counters


kicked off the Montgomery Bus Boycott with her actions

called for black pride and black nationalism

blacks and whites registering voters in Mississippi in 1964

African-American Lawyer; part of the NAACP; became a Supreme Court justice

signed by President Johnson; prohibited segregation in public accommodations

Governor from Alabama; loved segregation

Voting Rights Act of 1965

goal was to create a grassroots movement to defeat white racism

Equal Pay Act

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court on the Brown v. Board of Education case

de jure segregation

Earl Warren

Malcolm X

became notable due to the massive media coverage

24th amendment

March on Washington

banned poll taxes when voting

segregation according to unwritten traditions or customs

young, militant African Americans