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Jouer Memory

Mary said there were a lot of people and a police officer outside

There aren’t many stores open because is christmas

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Ha habido un accidente, así que la carretera está cerrada

María dijo que había mucha gente y un policía afuera

There is going to be a party

There was a lot of juice in the kitchen but there weren’t any glasses

Ella necesita que haya una junta

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There is money on the table but there isn’t a wallet

The meaning of there will be is:

I want there to be a lot of cake in your birthday

Hay un perro en la calle que esta enfermo

She needs there to be a meeting

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Sirve para informar cualquier suceso que haya pasado de manera objetiva y neutra.

Va a haber una fiesta

There to be in present perfect and past perfect

There has been an accident so the road is closed.

Hay dinero en la mesa, pero no hay una cartera

Quiero que haya mucho pastel en tu cumpleaños

[Pista de audio]

Have there been many complications after the surgery?

There is a dog in the street that is sick