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Coudn't they?

Is a small question that is attached or tagged to the end of a sentence

It's a nice day,

Isn't it?

[Pista de audio]

Isn't he?

Pronoun +Auxiliary +Complementent +Tag Question (Auxiliary + Pronoun).

If the sentence is positive (+)

No has visto esta película, ¿verdad?

They could hear me,

Tag Question tones

The tag question is positive (+)

Taq Questions Formula

Ask for agreement, ask for things, flavors or new information

If the sentence is negative (-)

The tag question is negative (-)

Tag Question

[Pista de audio]

Uses of tag questions

Shawn Mendes is my boyfriend,

El viento está fuerte hoy, no es así?

[Pista de audio]

It's very windy today, isn't it?

You haven't seen Lisa today, have you?