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General conditions of employment :
Employers based in Germany or abroad who employ ____________________ in Germany have to grant the ____________________ ____________________ that are generally ____________________ in Germany by law or administrative provisions , regardless of the sector in which they work .

Minimum pay pursuant to the Minimum Wage Act
As a matter of principle , every ____________________ is entitled ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ by their ____________________ not less than the statutory ____________________ ____________________ pursuant to the Minimum Wage Act , unless the Posted Workers Act and / or the Act on the Provision of Temporary Workers prevail over the former .

The Minimum Wage Act ( Mindestlohngesetz - MiLoG ) , the Posted Workers Act ( Arbeitnehmer - Entsendegesetz - AEntG ) and the Act on the Provision of Temporary Workers ( Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz - AÜG ) lay down certain ____________________ ____________________ for the ____________________ and ____________________ of ____________________ , which every employer must ____________________ with .