Son activités

  • Présentation

    Let's review a little


    Let us remember adjectives and how to work in short sentences

  • Carte Interactive

    He is

    Carte Interactive

    In this activity, select the image according to question

  • Test

    In the next activity we will know how much you know about animals.

  • Mots Mêlés

    Find the words

    Mots Mêlés

    In this activity, you should seek a series of sentences on animals and in which adjectives are used.

  • Relier

    This activity must relate each column as appropriate.

  • Ordonner les Mots


    Ordonner les Mots

    Sort each word correctly.

  • Ordonner les Lettres

    Organizing Properly

    Ordonner les Lettres

    In this activity you must properly organize words

  • Mots Croisés

    Discovery Learning

    Mots Croisés

    In the next activity we will learn more about adjectives

  • Compléter

    Help me complete


    You must complete the following paragraph

  • Devinette

    Learn the use of adjectives in English with animals in a fun and practical way.

  • Mots Mêlés


    Mots Mêlés

    busca los siguientes animales