body types
Mots Mêléslevel a2
Christmas matching words
Relier ColonnesMatch the sentences with their other halves
Word Search
Mots MêlésНайдите слова связанные с независимостью Казахстана
Froggy JumpsQuestions about Christmas
Task 2
Ordonner les Lettresword formation
crossword hobbit
Mots Croiséshobbit
Mots Mêléswords
Relier ColonnesMatch the names of the family members
Types and styles of pronunciation
Complétercheck your knowledge on this topic
Branches of phonetics
Mots CroisésRead the meaning and write the words in the crossword puzzle.
Mots MêlésНемного о истории
wordsearch pearl
Mots MêlésThe pearl of kazakhstan
Mots Rouletteinstruments
Olympic Sports (D)
Mots MêlésGet the gold medal quickly finding the 9 Olympic Sports.
Berlin sights
Relier ColonnesCompare the sights of Berlin with photos
Task 3
Froggy JumpsFind the right answers to the questions
Task 2
Mots CroisésCrossword
Task 1
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with definitions
Fill the blanks
CompléterThis text says what people wear in each season