Virtual Reality 2
Relier ColonnesThe students should take into account the correct definition for doing a match with the correct word.
Virtual Reality
Mots MêlésThe students must find the words
Present perfect
Ordonner les MotsThe students must organize the sentence, taking into account the coherence.
Elements of motorsports
Relier ColonnesThe student must match with the correct word.
Mots CroisésThe students must put a correct invention according to the description.
Fill in the Blanks: Technology
CompléterA game about completing sentences related to technology.
Past Verbs Crossword
Mots CroisésTest your knowledge of past verbs with this challenging crossword puzzle!
My last vacation
CompléterThe students must choose the correct verb in the past, taking into account the sentence and coherence in the text about an experience on vacation.
Winter Sports
CompléterThe students must form the definition of some winter sports, additionally, they could be able to identify the differences between those sports