Mots Mêlés
Find and select each of the words from the list below. Words may be appear horizontally or vertically, but forwards only.
Mots Mêlés
Find and select each of the words from the list below. Words may be appear horizontally or vertically, but foewards only.
Relier Colonnes
Phrasal Verbs Matching Game
Test your knowledge of phrasal verbs with this fun matching pairs game!
Mots Mêlés
Possessive Adjectives Word Search
Find the possessive adjectives hidden in this word search puzzle!
Relier Colonnes
Adjective used to describe food
students have to enrich your vocabulary in order to resolve the exercise.
Relier Colonnes
Food Adjectives Matching Game
Test your knowledge of adjectives used to describe food with this fun matching pairs game!