Spotlight 3
Oui ou NonRevision
Character traits
Oui ou NonRevision of the topic Character traits
Test (4 grade)
Froggy JumpsRevision of the topics
Adjectives (4 grade)
Froggy JumpsRevision of the adjectives
New Vocabulary 1
Relier ColonnesRevision of the article's vocabulary.
Family (Spotlight - 4 - 16 - 3)
Relier Colonnesrevision of the vocabulary in the topic of Family
Spotlight (3)
Froggy JumpsRevision of the English
Spotlight (4) - 11
Relier ColonnesRevision of the vocabulary
Vocabulary (Spotlight, 15)
Froggy JumpsRevision of English vocabulary
Froggy Jumpsrevision of English verbs
Relier ColonnesПовторение английских предлогов
Relier Colonnesrevision of English pronouns
To be
Relier Colonnesrevision of to be
Present Simple
Relier ColonnesRevision of present simple tense
Sports Quiz
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge about sports with this quiz game!
To be
Froggy JumpsIt helps to revise English verb 'to be'.
Sports Word Search
Mots MêlésFind the hidden words related to various sports in this word search puzzle!