6th unit 8 vocab
Ordonner les Lettresreorder
6th Unit 8 vocabulary
Mots MêlésIdentify the word
7th unit 3 period 3 paragraph 2
Compléterfill int blank
7th Unit 2 period 1
Relier ColonnesMatch
7th unit 2 period 1
Ordonner les Lettresspelling
6th Unit 1 period 1 summery
Ordonner les Motsscrambled words
6th Unit 16 vocab
Mots Roulettealphabet
6th unit 15 vocab
Mots RouletteAlphabet words
7th dont/ doesnt
7th unit 16 period 1 wordsearch
Mots Mêlésword search
7th unit 16 period 1 crossword
Mots Croiséscrossword
7th unit 16 period 1/Matching English meaning
Relier Colonnesmatch
5th unit 15 vocab reorder
Ordonner les LettresReorder
5th unit 15 vocab
Mots MêlésWord search
6th Unit 16 period 1 Arabic meaning (verbs)
Relier ColonnesMatching
6th Unit 16 period 1 Arabic meaning (adj)
Relier ColonnesMatching
7th unit 15 period 3 vocab synynoms
Mots Croiséssynonym
7th unit 15 vocab Arabic meaning
Relier Colonnesmatch arabic meaning
7th unit 15 period 1 vocab Arabic meaning
Relier ColonnesArabic meaning
6th unit 15 period 3 summary 2
Compléterperiod 3 fill in the gap
summary multiple choice
6th unit 15 period 1 review
Ordonner les MotsReorder
7th unit 12
Relier ColonnesMatch
5th unit 11 vocab
Froggy Jumpsmultiple choice
6th unit 12 period 1 summary
Ordonner les Motsreorder
6th unit 12 period 1 part 1
Compléter1fill in the blank
6th unit 12 vocab
Mots Mêlésword search
6th unit 12 vocab
Froggy Jumpsmultiple choice
6th unit 12 vocab
Ordonner les Lettresuncrumbled
6th unit 11 vocab
6th unit 11 vocab
Mots Mêlésword search
5th unit 17/ reorder will
Ordonner les Motsreorder
multiple choice
5th unit 17 comprehension
Compléterfill in the blank
5th unit 16 vocab
Ordonner les Lettresunscrambled letters
5th unit 16 period 7 word search
Mots Mêlésfind the words
5th unit 16 vocab Arabic meaning
Relier ColonnesMatch Arabic meaning
5th unit 16 Can I-----?
Ordonner les MotsReorder
5th unit 16going to
Ordonner les Motsreorder
5th unit 16 period 3
Testchoose the right answer quiz
5th unit 15 map of Palestine
Carte InteractiveIdentify the cities of palestine
5th unit 15 vocab
Froggy Jumpsunit 15 vocab
6th unit 11 period 1 part 4
CompléterFill in the blank
6th unit 11 vocab
Ordonner les Lettresunscrumbled
6th unit 11 vocab
Relier ColonnesMatch
5th unit 15 vocab Arabic meaning
Relier ColonnesMatch with Arabic meaning
5th unit 14 period 3
Mots Roulettealphabet
5th unit 14 period 1 summary game
5th Unit 13 vocabulary
Mots Mêlésword search
5th unit 13 vocab
Ordonner les Lettresunscrumbled
5th unit 13 vocab Arabic meaning
Relier Colonnesmatch
5th unit 12 period 4 Arabic meaning
Relier ColonnesMatch
5th unit 12 period 3 summary
CompléterComprehension fill in the blank
Story summary quiz
5th unit 10 vocb
Ordonner les Lettresuncrumbled letters
5th unit 10 vocab
Testmultiple choice quiz
5th unit 11
Ordonner les Lettresunscrumbled letter
5th unit 11
Relier ColonnesMatch
6th unit 10 vocab
Mots Roulettespell the word
7th unit 10 period 1
Mots Roulettespell tho word
5th unit 10 vocabulary
Mots Roulettefind the word
7th unit 10 period 1 English meaning
CompléterEnglish meaning
7th unit 10 period 1
Relier Colonnesmatch
5th Unit 10 period 1
CompléterText related questions
6th unit 6 vocab
Froggy Jumpsmultiple choice
6th unit 6 vocab
CompléterFill in the blank
6th unit 6 vocab
Ordonner les Lettresunscrumble
6th unit 6 healthy food
Relier ColonnesMatch
7th Unit 8 period 1 review
CompléterFill in the blank
4th unit 18 period 3
Ordonner les Lettresunscrumble
4th unit 18 directions
Relier Colonnesmatch
4th unit 18 revision
Ordonner les Motsunscrumbled
4th unit 18 rivision I can
Relier Colonnesmatch
7th period 8 part 4
Oui ou NonTrue or false
7th unit 8 opposites
Relier Colonnesmatch
7th unit 8 vocabulary
Ordonner les Lettresunscrumbled
5th unit 6 period 3 verbs match
Relier Colonnesmatch
5th unit 6 period 3 verbs
Ordonner les Lettresunscrumbled
6th May I?
Ordonner les Motsreorder
5th unit 6 period 1 true or false
Oui ou Nontrue o or false
7th unit 6 opposite
Relier Colonnesmatch opposites
Fill inn the blank
6th unit 7 vocabulary
Ordonner les Lettresunscrumble
6th unit 7 vocabulary
Relier Colonnesmatch
7th present perfect unscrumbled
Ordonner les Motsreorder sentences
5th unit 6 vocab
Ordonner les Lettresunscrumble
4th unit 17 animals
4th unit 17 animals
Compléterfill in the blank
4th unit 17 animals
Ordonner les Lettreswrite correctly
4th unit 16 shops
Ordonner les Lettresunscrumble
4th unit 16 .Past sentences
Compléterfill in the blank
4th unit 16 directions
Froggy Jumpsmultiple choice
4th unit 16 shops
Relier Colonnesmatch
4th unit 15
Ordonner les Lettresunscrumble
4th unit 15 I can
Compléterfill in the blank
7th unit 7 period 1
Complétercomplete the meaning.
7th Present perfect fill in the blank
Compléterfill in tge gap
4th unit 13 \revision
Ordonner les Motsunscrumblr word
4th lets make a cake
4th weekdays
Ordonner les Lettresunscrumble
7th unit 6 period 1
Ordonner les Lettresunscrumble
7th unit 6 period 1
Relier Colonnesmatch
7th unit 6 period 1
Mots Mêlésidentify
6th unit 2
Mots Mêlésword search
6th unit 2
Ordonner les Lettresunscrumble
6th unit 2
6th unit 2 word search
Mots Croisésidentify the words
4th unit 13
Compléterfill in the gap
4th unit 13
Relier Colonnesmatch the pairs
4th Habits
Ordonner les Lettresspell the habits
4th unit 12
Ordonner les Motsreorder
4th unit 12
Compléterasking about start and finish
4th numbers 20 to 50
Relier Colonnesnunbers written in words
4th numbers from 1 to15
Ordonner les Lettresnumbers in written words
5th unit 2
Mots Mêlésword search
5th unit 2 vocab
Relier Colonnesmatch
5th unit 2 vocab
4th unit 11
Ordonner les Lettresspelling
4th unit 11
Mots Mêlésword search
4thunit 10 visiting Palestine
Ordonner les Motsreorder
Name of the cities
Relier ColonnesIdentift the names
4th Days of the week
Relier ColonnesIdentifying days of the week
7th unit 2 period 1`
Mots Croisésenglish arabic meaning
4th reorder revision
Ordonner les Motsreorder sentences
4th unit 7 resturant
Froggy Jumpsidentify resturant objects
4th unit 8 questions and answers
Relier ColonnesMatch question wit answer
4th seasons
Mots Mêlésfind seasons words
4th unit 8 activities
Ordonner les Motsrearrange activities
4th unit 8 seasons
Relier Colonnesseasons and weather
4th what would you like?
Ordonner les MotsArrange questions
4th drink items
Ordonner les Lettresspell drink items
4th food
Relier Colonnesfood items
7th unit 1 period 3
Memorymemorise cards
7th unit 1 period 3
Mots Mêlésfind the words
7th unit 1 period 3
Relier ColonnesMatch the pairs
5th unit 1 vocam
5th unit 1 vocab
Ordonner les Lettresscrumble
5th unit 1
Mots Mêlésfind the words
5th unit 1 vocab
Relier ColonnesMatching picture with word
4th unit 6 matching 10 -50
Relier Colonnesmatching numbers with words
4th reorder unit 6 weekend activities
Ordonner les MotsReorder
4th Unit 6 subjects match
Relier ColonnesMatch pictures with subjects
4th unit 6 reorder
Ordonner les Motsreorder question and sentences
4th unit 6 subjects
Ordonner les Lettresspelling
numbers 10 -100
Froggy Jumpsnumbers in lettere
7th unit 1 period 2
Compléterfill in the blank based on period 1
7th unit 1 period 1
7th unit 1 period 1
Mots Croiséscrossword
7th unit 1 period 1
Mots Mêlésword search
7th unit period 1
Ordonner les Lettresscrambled
7th unit 1 period 1
Relier Colonnesmatch words with oictures
6th unit 1 word search
Mots MêlésIdentify word spelling
6th unit 1 vocab
Memoryunit 1 vocabulary
unit 1 vocab
Ordonner les Lettresreorder letters
6th Unit 1 vocabulary
Relier ColonnesIdentifying unit 1 vocab
4th unit 3
Ordonner les LettresScrumbled words
4th unit 2 House rooms
Relier Colonnesidentifying rooms
4th unit 4 matching containers
Relier Colonnesmatch the container with the product
Memory4th unit 4 containers
Numbers 60-1
Mots Mêléswritten numbers
Numbers (10-50)
Mots MêlésWriting numbers in words