Join us on an exciting adventure through the water cycle!
Join us on an exciting adventure through the water cycle!
Join us on an exciting adventure through the water cycle!
Choose the right preposition
Grade: 4 Subject: English Topics: Prepositions Learning Outline: At the end of the lesson, the child must be able to: 1) Identify prepositions in a sentence. 2) Use prepositions to write sentences. 3)...
Relier Colonnes
Matching Game
Grade: 1 Subject: Mathematics Topic: Numbers Learning Outcomes: 1) Recognise, read and write number 1 to 10 in words and numbers. 2) Use ICT as a tool for learning and Consolidating Mathematical conce...
Froggy Jumps
Quiz sur les chiffres de 1 à 10
Testez vos connaissances sur les chiffres de 1 à 10 avec ce quiz amusant !