EF (B1) SB p. 71 ex. 5 - listening (Dream house)
Relier Colonnespre-teaching the new vocabulary
SB (B1) p. 65 ex. 3 - listening
Froggy Jumpspre-teaching the new words
EF (A2) - WB (2013) p. 35 ex. 4 - reading
Relier Colonnesthe new words from the text
FF5 - Reading Skills 'Perfect Pancakes' (Unit 8)
Relier Colonnespre-teaching the new words from the text
EF (B1) SB. p. 64 ex. 6 - reading
CompléterNew words from the text 'Yes, appearance matters.'
FF5 (Unit 7 Lesson 6) - vocabulary
Froggy Jumpsnew words from the text (Rescue)
EF (A2) - Progress Test 1 (reading)
Relier Colonneshighlighted words from the text 'CouchSurfing'
EF (B1) SB p. 59 ex. 1
Relier ColonnesReading (highlited phraes from the text)
EF (A1), 3B - vocabulary (job phrases)
Froggy Jumpschoose the correct word
FF5 Summative test 2 (units 4-6) - vocabulary
Mots CroisésWrite and complete the crossword.
EF (A1) WB p.18 ex. 4
CompléterHighlighted words from the text
everything, everybody, everywhere
EF B1 SB p. 45 ex. 4 (с)
CompléterThe words from the text
EF Upper-Int. 2A (Illnesses and injuries)
Mots RouletteIn this activity we practise vocabulary from English File Upper Intermediate (Part A)
Matching + Speaking
fill the gaps
EF (A1) SB p. 77 ex. 4 - reading
Relier Colonneshighlighted words from the text
Family and Friends 5 Unit 1 Lesson 7 (Skills Time)
Froggy JumpsVocabulary
Mots RouletteNew English File Pre-Intermediate
11& 12 Revision and Check