Match the name of the items with the correct image.
Exercise 1
Reading passage.
An easy exercise on the names of a few countries.
An easy exercise on nationalities and countries.
A grammar exercise
What's the name of the country?
Vocabulary Exercise
Match the words with the pictures.
A brief test on listening comprehension.
Vocabulary Activity
A vocabulary activity.
A brief exercise on listening.
Number the sentences correctly.
A fill in the blanks exercise.
An exercise on possessives with s.
A complete the sentences exercise.
Complete the sentences.
Fill in the gaps exercise
Scrambled sentences
Reading Comprehension Questions
An easy exercise.
An easy exercise to review vocabulary.
A brief exercise on negative forms of the verb BE.
A brief exercise on nationalities.
A short exercise.
Word search on days of the week.
An exercise on opposites.
A scrambled word exercise.
An exercise on days of the week.
bedroom living room kitchen bathroom dining room laundry room studio yard attic basement