Students will find words or groups of words related to environment.
Students must match the verbs with their corresponding particle.
Students have to fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb.
Students have to fill in the blanks with the correct word.
Students have to find the second part of the compound adjective.
Students have to guess the type of food described.
Students match the phrases related to polite and impolite behavior with their pictures.
Students find the word related to "past modals for ________ situations"
Students have to find the ingredients you need to bake a cake.
Students have to match the questions with their statements.
Students have to match the name of the singer or music band with its picture.
Students learn about the United Kingdom.
Students will match words with pictures related to vocabulary about tastes and textures.
Students will answer questions about the importance of Phonetics
Students will write word partners
Students will practice a dialogue using the second conditional
Students must find the parts of the house
Students must arrange the words of a song in English
Students must know the correct spelling of the second longest river of North America
Students must find the past tense and the past participle forms of the verbs given.
Students must match the verbs with its meanings in Spanish
Students must find cooking verbs according to the types of food given.
Students must complete the sentences using the correct word.
Students must guess the type of food according to the clues given