
Son jeux

  • Mots Mêlés


    Mots Mêlés

    En la siguiente actividad, encuentra dentro de la sopa de letras los valores que has aprendido a lo largo de tu vida.

  • Dictée

    In the following activity they will listen to a dictation, where they will have to listen carefully and make a reflective summary of this. Transcribe the story you hear in the audio.

  • Relier Colonnes


    Relier Colonnes

    In the next activity you will learn and relate the clothing items with their respective meaning

  • Présentation

    The pandemic


    In this activity you will find the different characteristics and points of view, regarding the current pandemic.

  • Dictée

    The cell


    Listen carefully to the text related to the cell, and write with good spelling

  • Video Quiz

    The numbers

    Video Quiz

    Watch the video carefully and respond correctly

  • Dialogue

    childish story


    little Red Riding Hood

  • Devinette



    Guess, guess, guess

  • Mots Roulette


    Mots Roulette

    Read carefully, and match the sentences or clues to know what color it refers to

  • Présentation

    Discapacidad intelectual


    observe con atención la información acerca de la discapacidad intelectual

  • Mots Roulette

    Los animales

    Mots Roulette

    Lee con atención y desarrolla la actividad

  • Mots Croisés

    Partes del cuerpo

    Mots Croisés

    En esta actividad vamos repasar algunas partes del cuerpo humano. Escucha, y visualiza con atención

  • Mots Mêlés

    Desarrolla la siguiente sopa de letras,encuentra todos los medios de tranporte

  • Test

    This questionnaire is designed to answer questions about the ara de informatica