
Son jeux

  • Memory

    A fun memory card game in which you can try your knowledge about some important things we need to solve problems.

  • Memory

    Test your knowledge of planets with this fun memory card game!

  • Relier Colonnes

    Famous Paintings

    Relier Colonnes

    Speculate who the artist behind these five iconic paintings is.

  • Mots Roulette

    Food Roulette

    Mots Roulette

    A small activity in which you have to name one food for each letter.

  • Dialogue

    Small practice about illnesess and medicenes

  • Mots Croisés

    Bank Vocabulary

    Mots Croisés

    Small practice about bank vocabulary.

  • Froggy Jumps

    Verbos Parte 1

    Froggy Jumps

    Elija los verbos correspondientes en cada pregunta.

  • Ordonner les Lettres

    Part of the House

    Ordonner les Lettres

    Ordena las letras para formar la palabra correcta. (Tema: Partes de la casa)