Three Kinds of Organisms
Relier ColonnesThree Kinds of Organisms
Fill in the blank 2 - ecosystem
CompléterFill in the blank 2 - ecosystem
Matching 2 - ecosystem
Relier ColonnesMatching 2 - ecosystem
match- ecosystem
Relier Colonnesmatch- ecosystem
Yes-No Ecosystem
Oui ou NonYes-No Ecosystem
CompléterFill in the blank Ecosystem
Try to guess this riddle
recycling and environmt
Video Quizrecycling to keep environmt
حيوانات العالم المدهش
Froggy Jumpsلعبة تحدي المستخدم بأسئلة حول حيوان معين ويتعين علي المستخدم اختيار من بين ثلاث خيارات
Animal Wisdom
Froggy JumpsBecome a genius of the Animal Kingdom
Try to guess this riddle
HowTo read population pyramids (D)
PrésentationIn this presentation, it will be explained how to read population pyramids
Unit 5 vocabulary
CompléterHow are courage and Imagination linked?
اجزاء الجسم
Carte Interactiveاجزاء الجسم
English idioms - workshop
Mots CroisésSome English idioms
Unscramble Words - workshop
Ordonner les MotsRearrange the words to create the correct sentences.
Unscramble letters - workshop
Ordonner les LettresSentence parts
Fill in the blank - workshop
Compléterexplain how it works
Vocabulary test - workshop
Froggy JumpsTest Basic vocabulary
TheBrain Intermediate
CompléterIntermediate knowledge about thebrain software
TheBrain Basics
Froggy JumpsBasic knolage about thebrain software
Idiomatic expressions
CompléterCommon idioms students should know
English Test
Froggy JumpsEnglish language questions
Computer softwares
CompléterTypes of software
Froggy Jumpsidentify colors