Irregular Verbs Crossword
Mots CroisésTest your knowledge of irregular verbs with this crossword puzzle.
Halloween Match-Up
Relier ColonnesMatch the creatures with something that can be connected to them
Past Simple Quiz
TestTest your knowledge of irregular verbs in the Past Simple with this quiz game!
Past Simple. Regular Verbs
Mots CroisésRead the statements and write the corresponding verb in Past Simple.
Booklet. Unit 1. On Holiday
Mots RouletteType the word corresponding to each definition. Mind the spelling.
Weather Idioms
Relier ColonnesAn IDIOM is a phrase that doesn't mean what it is literally written or said. For example, "the exam was a piece of cake" doesn't mean I could eat it; it means it was very easy. Can you guess the meani...
RelierMatch up the English loan with its Canarian word or expression and arrállate un millo!
The Magic of Making Sounds
Video QuizIn the film industry, there are important figures called foleys (or foley artists), which are people who make and record the everyday sounds heard in movies, shows or even videogames. From time to ...
A girl cares for the planet
Froggy JumpsHelp the frog reach the shore choosing the correct form of the 3rd person singular in Present Simple.