Develop your vision Eng.: Parts of speech provoke, provocative...
College Life: Develop your Vision of English
College Life: Develop your Vision of English
Froggy Jumps
Put on cloths, school supplies, living room review
Put on cloths, school supplies, living room review
Relier Colonnes
Review: afraid, cheap, expensive, containers, how much is
Review: afraid, cheap, expensive, containers, how much is
Ordonner les Lettres
Review: Hit the hay, in quick, for real etc.
Lets see how much progress did you make?
Ordonner les Mots
Speaking sentences: before, in, during etc
Speaking sentence review before, in during.
Relier Colonnes
Before, after, at, during in speaking
Review of before, after, in, at, during in speech
Relier Colonnes
Review: Directions lesson north, go past etc
See how much you have made a progress in directions lesson
Ordonner les Mots
Review Gayane: Eat, drink, familar with, similar to
Spoken sentences, familar to, similar to, eat, drink + with, for + breakfast, during etc
Ordonner les Mots
At the restaurant sentences speaking
What do you ask and answer at the restaurant?
Froggy Jumps
Checking your speaking knowledge on introducing yourself as A1 student
Benefit or harm to human...
Sort out the statements, stating whether they are beneficiary or hazardous...
Carte Interactive
Reconstruct the shop
The shop needs renovation and rearranged the items and products. Write down all the missing stuff to be ordered.
How do I get to Argishti lake?
The tourist came from USA. He would like to visit the Argishti park. The Armenian local guides him how to find park's location.
Froggy Jumps
Follow the advice or dive!(
This exercise aims at teaching correct syntax for do's and dont's for a fluent speaking.
Carte Interactive
The structure of the heart
Write the English names of the heart parts on the picture.
Froggy Jumps
Speak about your family
You are going to choose the correct option speaking about your family :)