Mots Croisés
Food Comparatives and Superlatives
Test your knowledge of food comparatives and superlatives with this crossword puzzle!
Mots Croisés
Kindness as a survival 1.1
Students read the definitions and find out which is the word.
Kindness as a survival skill
Students review the vocabulary in the lecture "Kindness as a survival skill"
Mots Croisés
building vocabulary
Students will review vocabulary used in the reading "the ape in the office"
Mots Mêlés
Skill, effort or luck
In this game students will reinforce the vocabulary in the lecture "skill, effort or luck?".
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like/love/hate/ not mind + verb-ing
Students make sentences with like/love/hate/not mind+ing
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corpse preparation
Nursing students will learn what is needed to do with the body of a dead patient
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possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives
students must unscramble the sentences
Mots Croisés
vitamins, minerals and oils
student practice vocabulary about vitamins, minerals and oils
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present continuous questions
unscramble the words in present continuous to make questions