Nets of shape match
MemoryYear 8 Sam
Analogue to 24 hour
Relier Colonnesclock faces to 24 hour format match up
Clocktime Conversion
Relier ColonnesMatch the 12 hour clocktimes with their corresponding 24 hour clocktimes.
Economic industries
RelierSelect the groups of primary, secondary and tertiary industries
Unit Conversion
Relier ColonnesMatch the units with their corresponding conversions.
Angles Matching Game
Relier ColonnesTest your knowledge of angles with this fun matching game!
Chemical weathering
Carte InteractiveLimestone
Rock types
RelierYear 8 rocks
Locations of the Temple
Carte InteractiveYear 8 RE
Plate tectonic names
Carte InteractivePlate names for year 8
LEDC location
Carte InteractiveWhere are the less economically developed countries of the world located
+/- effects of tourism
RelierDecide which of these are positive or negative
The New Testements
Mots CroisésThe bible pg 15 activity
Population location
Carte InteractiveWhere are the 10 countries we looked at located
New Testament books
RelierGroup the books of the bible
Carte InteractiveSymbol identification
The Rock cycle
Relier ColonnesActivity to be used with diagram to help construct notes
Weathering and erosion
Relier ColonnesBio, physical and mechanical
Climate recap
Relier ColonnesFactors affecting climate and climate graphs
Carte Interactive7 names for year 8
Relier ColonnesBio, physical and mechanical
Continents and oceans (D)
Carte InteractiveYear 8 identification exercise
Continents and oceans
Carte InteractiveYear 8 identification exercise
Locations in Northern Ireland
Carte InteractiveYear 9 geology
Rock types
RelierIdentify igneous and sedimentary features