These are my toys!
Relier ColonnesFind the pairs
What can you see?
CompléterComplete the text
My hobbies
CompléterRead and complete the text.
What do you do?
Ordonner les LettresOrder the letters. Find the activities.
What can we do?
Relier ColonnesMatch the pictures to the correct suggestion.
Divide into groups
RelierClasify the words.
Beach holidays
Mots CroisésWrite the correct words.
Where are my clothes and food?
Mots MêlésSearch the words.
Clothing Crossword
Mots CroisésWrite the words
Word search
Mots MêlésFind the words.
Back to the group
RelierMatch the words to the groups.
Guess it
DevinetteGuess the word.
What is this?
Mots RouletteGuess the word and play
Order the words
Ordonner les LettresOrder the words.
What do you like?
CompléterComplete the text.
I can do it
Relier ColonnesMatch the picture to the action.
Word search
Mots MêlésLet's find all the farm animals.
Activities on the farm
Froggy JumpsWhat can they do?
Order the letters
Ordonner les LettresFind the correct word
Places in town (D)
MemoryPlaces in town