Crossword work life balance
Concepto/Definición Sexualidad
SB - scramble words - 126-150
SB - scramble words - 101-125
SB - unscramble words - 81-100
SB - unscramble words - 61 -80
SB - unscramble words - 41-60
SB - Ordenar palabras 21-40
Alphabet - fer -palabra imagen
Memoria - alphabet
Vocab - alphabet
letters in english
Dictado de colores
Unscramble colors
Colors for Fernanda's class
Unscramble words A1
Vocab 101-125
Vocab SB 61-80
Vocab SB 41-60
Vocab SP 21-40
Vocabulary a-z (SB)
spelling bee Ale
Phrasal nouns match columns
Animals A1
Phrasal nouns
adverbs of attitude
Probar definiciones y conceptos
Commonly confused words in English
To analyze what SMART objectives are
To inspect the main characteristics that a research objectives have to have
YES/NO questions on research papers
To introduce the concept of paralleled structures