Relier Colonnes
Review of CBL, TBL, and PBL
A review of task-based, content-based, and project-based learning
Video Quiz
Project Based learning
A detailed description of the background to using project based learning.
Relier Colonnes
Matching activities with objectives
Match the description of the activity with its aim
Relier Colonnes
Speaking Correction Techniques
Test your knowledge of speaking correction techniques with this matching pairs game!
Relier Colonnes
Elementos de un método
Una forma de relacionar lo que sucede en el aula con los elementos que describen el método.
identificación de los elementos en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera
Reading strategies
A Fill in the blanks game about key terminology referring to teaching EFL reading
Video Quiz
Bottom-up processing
Identifying how a teacher can use a bottom-up processing approach to teaching listening comprehension
Video Quiz
Top-down vs bottom-up
Answer the questions about a top-down vs bottom-up approach to teaching the receptive skills