Advanced Vocabulary | Story
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Geschichte B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Story B1+
CompléterFill the gaps with the apppropriate words
Advanced Extreme Adjectives
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Redewendungen B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Useful Collocations
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives | B1 - B2
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with their meanings.
Adjectives | Upper Inter.
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Extreme Adjectives
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives | B1 - B2
CompléterFill in the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
The History of Halloween
CompléterFill in the gaps with the appropriate words
Verben mit Präpositionen A2+
CompléterFill in the gaps with the appropriate words
Lesen A2
CompléterFill in the gaps with the appropriate words
Reading | Collocations B1+
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Lesen B1 (Verben mit Präsentationen)
CompléterFill in the gaps with the appropriate words
Wörter B1
CompléterFill in the gaps with the appropriate words
Collocations B1-B2
Relier ColonnesMatch the following collocations with their Ukrainian translation
Adjectives B1 | Reading
CompléterFill in the gaps with the appropriate words
Character description
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Advanced Vocabulary
CompléterFill in the gaps with the appropriate words
Advanced Collocations
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Medicine Vocabulary B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Advanced Vocabulary
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjektive B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Home assignment B2+
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Stress | Vocabulary
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1+ | Revision
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Charaktereigenschaften B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Idioms B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Personality B1+
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjektive B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the gaps with the appropriate words
Common Collocations B1+
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Idioms B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Story | Idioms B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate idioms
Idioms B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Personality Test
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Idioms B1-B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives C1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Phrasal Verbs B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Advanced Adjectives
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Description | Story
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Idioms B1 - B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Idioms B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Advanced Voc.| Article
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Wörter B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1+
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1+
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Advanced Expressions | FCE
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Advanced Vocabulary B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
BE Collocations B1-B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Extreme Adjectives B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjektive A2-B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Idioms B1 - B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Idioms B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Eigenschaften B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Extreme Adjectives B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appriate words
Phrasal Verbs B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Eigenschaften B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Idioms B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Vocabulary B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Phrasal Verbs B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Extreme Adjectives B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Extreme Adjectives B1
CompléterFill the gaps with appropriate words
Article Voc B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Deklination bestimmter Artikel
Froggy JumpsHier geht es um die Deklination bestimmter Artikel im Deutschen. Artikel müssen dem Kasus entsprechend dekliniert werden und in entsprechender Form ergänzt werden.
Phrasal Verbs B1
CompléterFill the gaps with appropriate words
Phrasal Verbs B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives A2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Idioms B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Phrasal Verbs
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B2 | Revision
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Adjectives B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Phrasal Verbs B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Verbs B2 | Home assignment
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Verbs B2 | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Idioms B1-B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives | B1-B2 BE
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Article B1-B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Advanced Adjectives | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Phrasal verbs
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives | Food
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B2-C1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Phrases C1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Verben B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1 | Focus 3
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Idioms or Common Expressions
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1-B2 | Home assignment
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1-B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Phrasal Verbs B1 | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B1 | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Home assignment
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1
CompléterFill the gaps with appropriate words
Eigenschaften B1
Relier ColonnesFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Eigenschaften B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B2
CompléterFil the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Phrasal verbs
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Idioms B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Verben B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B1+ | Revision
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1+ | Revision
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1+
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1+
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
American English Idioms B1+
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Work | B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B1+
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Idiomatic expressions B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Wörter B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the gaps
Idioms B1-B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1+
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B1-B2 | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Advanced Adjectives | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B2+
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Verben A1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives A2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Extreme Adjectives B1+
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Advanced Vocabulary
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Advanced Vocabulary | Home assignment
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Advanced Vocabulary
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Verbe B1
CompléterStellen Sie die richtigen Wörter in die Lücken ein.
Idioms B1-B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1
CompléterFill the gaps with appropriate words
Expressions B2+
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Expressions B2+ | Home assignment
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words from this list
Verben A2-B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Extreme Adjectives B1+
CompléterFill the gaps
Expressions B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives A1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
CompléterStellen Sie die richtige Wörter ein.
Expressions B2+
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Extreme Adjectives
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives A2 | Fill the gaps
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives A2 | Fill the gaps
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Idioms B2 | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary A2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives A2 | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Extreme Adjectives
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Short Story B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Collocations B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Idioms for people | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B2
CompléterFill the gaps with appropriate words
Advanced Vocabulary | Speakout C1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjektive A2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary | Environment B1+
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B2 | Sentences C1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B1 | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with appropriate words
Adjectives B1+
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Verbs B1 | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Words at the B2 English level
CompléterFill the gaps with the most appropriate words
Adjectives B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate
Adjectives B2 | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Wörter A2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1+ | Simple
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Verben von Quizlet A2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1 | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Advanced Adjectives | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Deusche Verben A2
CompléterFill the gaps with appropriate words
Past Simple | Vocabulary B1
CompléterFill the gaps with appropriate words
Vocabulary B1-C1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Fill the gaps | Adjectives B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Common Verbs B1 | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjektive A2 | Deutsch
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives A2 | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives B1 | UKR Version
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives describing people | Advanced
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives for describing people | B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Advanced Adjectives | Describing people
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Article | Practice Part 2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Common Verbs in German | Practice
CompléterFüllen Sie die Lücken ein
Vocabulary Practice | Easy 1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary Rivision B1+
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Article | Decompression
CompléterFull the gaps with appropriate words
New Vocabulary | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Novel | B1 - B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
B2 Vocabulary | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Perfekt ' Sein oder Haben ?
Froggy JumpsWählen Sie bitte die richtige Option
New Vocabulary B2 | Revision
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
New Vocabulary | Practice B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B2 | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
B1+ Vocabulary
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Past Simple | Practice
Froggy JumpsChoose the appropriate words
Past Simple Example | A2
Relier ColonnesMatch the beginnings of the sentences to the correct endings
Present simple | Mixed exercise
Froggy JumpsChoose an appropriate option
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Extreme Adjectives | Puzzle
Mots MêlésFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjectives A2 Word Search
Mots MêlésFind the adjectives commonly used at an A2 level in English language learning.
Vocabulary | Home assignment
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Extreme Adjectives | Part 3.2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Formal letter
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Studying B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
New Vocabulary | Practice 1 Uk
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
New Vocabulary | Practice 2 En
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Story | Phrasal Verbs B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Phrasal Verbs B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Perfekt A1 Haben oder sein? (D)
Froggy JumpsWählen Sie die richtige Antwort.
Essential Collocations | B1-C1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
New Vocabulary | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Vocabulary practice | Lesson 05
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
The Prison Healer | Review
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Home assignment | Diana 14.05
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Common Collocation | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Home assignment
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
B2 Vocabulary | New
CompléterFill the gaps with the words
Listening Quize | Revision
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Listening | Interview 2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Lesson for 11.05
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Max and fire | B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Home assignment for Ann 05.05
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Collocations | Practice
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Phrasal verbs | Part 1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Home assignment for Liza | 30.04
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Common idioms 2 | Home assignment
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Common idioms | 2 part
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Neue Vokabeln | Hausaufgabe
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Eddy | Home assignment
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Eddy | Vocabulary
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Home assignment | 23.04
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Dialogue | At the restaurant
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
New Vocabulary B2 | Part 2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Home assignment for Ann | 18.04
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Deutsche Adjektive A2-B1 | Hausaufgabe
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Deutsche Adjective A2-B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Home assignment for Ann | 14.04
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Common idioms & Collocations
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
New words B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Home assignment for Liza 14.04
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Lesson for Liza 14.04
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Home assignment
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Hausaufgabe für Mascha
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjektive A1-B1
CompléterFill the gaps with appropriate words
Home assignment for Lina
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Collocations | Home assignment
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Collocations for 10.04
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Collocations B1 | Home assignment
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Examples of the usage
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Shopping | Unscramble
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the right order
Listening | Interviews A2-B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Listening | Interviews B1-B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Adjektive A2-B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Collocations B1
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Nützliche Wortverbindungen
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Die Stunde für Polina | 03.04
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in order to create a sentence
Die Stunde für Polina 03.04
Relier ColonnesMatch the collocation with its translation
Lesson for Ann 04.04
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Academic writing 1 | Adjectives
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Academic writing 1 | Collocations
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Academic writing 1 | Collocations
CompléterFill the gaps with the most appropriate words
Home assignment for Liza | 01.04
CompléterFill the gaps with appropriate words
Article for Ann | 31.03
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Home assignment for Ann | 31.03
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Lesson for Ann 31.03
CompléterFill the gaps with the most appropriate words
Die Stunde
CompléterErgänze die Sätze mit der richtigen Wörtern
Home assignment for Yana | Article 28.03
CompléterFill in the blank with the appropriate word
Home assignment for 28.03
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Home assignment for Ann | Article 28.03
CompléterFill the gaps with the most suitable words
Home assignment for Ann | 28.03
CompléterFill the gaps with the most suitable words
Stunde für Polina | 27.03
CompléterFüllen Sie die Lücke mit den richtigen Wörtern ein
Home assignment for Liza | 26.03
CompléterFill in the blank with the correct word
Home assignment for Diana | 26.03
CompléterComplete the following sentences with the appropriate word from the list.
Home assignment for 25.03
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
CompléterComplete each sentence with the appropriate word.
Synonyms B2 | Practice
CompléterFill in the blank with the correct word
Relier ColonnesMatch the beginning of the phrase with the ending
Home assignment for Liza | Story 26.03
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Antibiotics | Form 7
CompléterFill the gaps with the most suitable words
Article | Form 7-8
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Home assignment | Adjectives 24.03
CompléterFill the gaps with the most appropriated words
Home assignment for 22.03
CompléterFill the gaps with the most appropriated words
Present Continious | Chores
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the correct order
Stunde für Polina 20.03
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the right order
Home assignment 19.03 (2)
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the correct order
Home assignment 19.03
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Story for Lena | 19.03
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Home assignment for Diana 19.03
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Lesson for 19.03
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
ADVANCED adjectives | Story
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Lesson for Lena 19.03
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the correct order
Lesson for Lena 19.03
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Home assignment for Lena | 18.03
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Advanced adjectives | Home assignment
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated adjective
Advanced adjectives | complicated
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Sein im Präteritum
Froggy JumpsFüllen Sie die Lücken mit der richtigen Form von "sein" im Präteritum ein
Hausaufgabe für Maria (2) 14.03
CompléterFüllen Sie die Sätze mit den richtigen Wörtern ein
Home assignment | Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with their translation
Hausaufgabe für Maria 14.03
CompléterFüllen Sie die Sätze mit den richtigen Wörtern ein
Home assignment for Ann 14.03
Ordonner les MotsPut these words in the right order
Home assignment for Ann 14.03
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Home assignment for Diana 08.03
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Collocations | Simple Examples
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Home assignment for Liza 12.03
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Project | Article
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
CRIMES | Article
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Students | Article
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Home assignment | Crime and other words
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Dialogue | Collocations
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Lesson 12.03
CompléterFill the gaps
Home assignment | Story
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Lesson for 11.03
CompléterFill the gaps with appropriate words
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
CompléterFill the gaps
Home assignment for N
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Dialogue | Revision
CompléterFill the dialogue with the suitable words
Home assignment | Revision
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Lesson 12.03
Ordonner les MotsFill the gaps
Fill the gaps 09.03
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Stunde 08.03
CompléterFüllen Sie die Lücke mit den Wörtern ein
Present Simple Examp.
CompléterFill the gaps with the most appropriated words
Home assignment | Health
CompléterFill the gaps with the most appropriated words
Crimes | Vocabulary
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriate words
Dialogue | Crime
CompléterFil the gaps with the appropriate answers
Sophisticated vocabulary
CompléterFill the gaps with the most appropriated words
Home assignment for L 23.02
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
FIll the gaps | 23.02
CompléterFill the gaps
Lesson for L | 23.02
CompléterPut the right words in the sentence
Home assignment L 19.02
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Leson 22.02
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Home assignment | Present Simple (be)
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the correct order
Homework | 21.02
CompléterFill the gaps with the suitable words
Home assignment | Part 2
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Fill the gaps | IL21
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Home assignment | 21.02
CompléterFill the gaps with the appropriated words
Puss in Boots | Fill the gaps (part 2)
CompléterPut the word in the right sentence
Stunde 20.02 | Dialogue
CompléterFill the gaps with the suitable words
Home assignment | Sleep deprivation
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the right order
Airport | Dialogue
CompléterFill the gaps to create a full dialogue
Medical fiels | Part 1
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with its translation
Listening | Part 2.2
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the right order
Sleep deprivation | Dialogue
CompléterFill the gaps with the most suitable word
Fill the gaps | 19.02
CompléterPut the words in the sentences
Home assignment | 18.02
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with their translation
Home assignment | 18.02
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the right order to create a sentence
Home assignment for 18.02
CompléterPut the appropriate word in the sentence
Listening | Part 2
CompléterFill the gaps with suitable words
Lesson 18.02
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the right order
Fill the gaps | 18.02
CompléterPut the most suitable word in the gap
Stunden für 17.02
Ordonner les MotsBilden Sie die Sätze
Stunde für 17.02
Relier ColonnesVerbinden Sie die Wörter mit der Übersetzung
Sleep deprivation | Video
CompléterFill the gaps
Aufgaben für Stunde
Ordonner les MotsMachen Sie die richtige Sätze
Present Simple "be"
Froggy JumpsChoose the right answer
Home assignment | 15.02
CompléterFill the gaps with the most suitable words
Die Stunde für Polina 15.02
CompléterFüllen Sie die Sätze mit dem richtigen Wort ein
Hausaufgabe für Polina 13.02
Relier ColonnesVerbinden Sie die Wörter mit ihren Übersetzungen
Fill the gaps 15.02
CompléterPut the words in the sentences
Fill the gaps
CompléterPut the words in the sentences
Listening | 15.02
CompléterFill the gaps with the suitable word
Listening | 15.02
Ordonner les MotsPut these words in the right order to create a sentence
Home assignment for Diana 08.02
CompléterPut the words in the suitable sentences
Emotions A1-A2
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with its translation
Advanced Vocabulary | Listening
CompléterPut the words in the right sentences
At the airport
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the right order to create a sentence
Puss in boots | Fill the gaps
CompléterFill the gaps
Put the words in the proper sentences
Fill the gaps with the most suitable words
Lesson for Lena | Video "My sister’s crown”
Froggy JumpsFill the gaps with the right answer
Homework | Interview with Jenna Ortega
CompléterFill the gaps with the most suitable words
Create a sentence with the words from Quizlet
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the proper order to make the sentence
CompléterFill the dialogue with the appropriate words
Homework for 01.02
CompléterFill the gaps with the most appropriate answers
Interview with Jenna Ortega
CompléterFill the gaps with the most suitable words
Homework for 31.01
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with its translation
Listening | Match the pairs
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with its translation
Advanced Adjectives | Quizlet
CompléterFill the gaps with the most suitable word
Synonyms | Advanced Adj
Relier ColonnesMatch the synonyms
Fill the gaps | Listening
CompléterFill the gaps
Fill the gaps | Advanced Adj
CompléterFill the gaps
Home assignment
CompléterFill the gaps with the most appropriate word
Ordonner les MotsPut these words in the right order
Tägliche Resewendungen | Wiederholung
Ordonner les MotsBringen Sie die Wörter in die richtige Reihenfolge
Fill the gaps 25.01
CompléterPut these words in the suitable sentence
Fill the gaps. Lesson 24.01
CompléterPut the most appropriate word
Fill the gaps | Adjectives
CompléterFill the sentances with the most suitable word
Tägliche Redewendungen
CompléterFügen Sie die Lücken ein
Adjectives | People and relationships
CompléterFill the gaps with the most suitable word
Adjectives for B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the most suitable word
Wednesday | voc.revision
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the correct order
Participles with "ed" and "ing"
CompléterFill the gaps with the most suitable word
Emotions | Fill the gaps
CompléterFill the gaps with the most appropriate words
Wie spät ist es ?
Relier ColonnesVerbinden Sie die Zahlen mit den Namen
PRÄSENS | Teil 3
CompléterErgänzen Sie die richtige Form vom Wort
Adj B2-C1
CompléterFill the gaps with the most appropriate word
Homework for Sasha
CompléterFill the gaps with the most suitable word
Training | New words
CompléterFill the gaps with the most suitable word
New Words | Training
CompléterFill the gaps with appropriate answers
CompléterFüllen Sie die Lücken mit den richtigen Wörtern
FIll the gaps
CompléterFill the gaps
Emotions B2-C1 | Matching
Relier ColonnesMatch a word with its meaning
Emotions B2-C1 | Fill the gaps
CompléterFill the gaps with the most suitable words
Präsens | Gespräch
CompléterFügen Sie die richtige Wortform in die Lücke ein
Präsens | Übungen
CompléterFill the gaps
Basic Verben 2 | Fill the gaps
CompléterFill the gaps
Vocabulary | Fill the gaps
CompléterFill the gaps with the most suitable word
Past Simple | Irregular words
Froggy JumpsChoose the right form of the word
Prepositions with adj
CompléterFill the gaps
Emotions | B1-B2
CompléterFill the gaps with the most appropriate words
Die neuvermählte Kaiserin Kapit 1
CompléterFill the gaps
Ex.1 Objective English
CompléterFill the gaps
Interview with Taylor Swift
CompléterFill the gaps
Fill the gaps
1 Chapter for "Lore Olympus"
CompléterFill the gaps
Stunde Deutsch 20.10
CompléterFill the gaps
Lesson 20.10 (1)
CompléterInsert the most appropriate word
Lesson 20.10
Froggy JumpsChoose the right answer
Lesson with D
CompléterFill the gaps
Hausaufgabe für Polina 17.10
CompléterSetzen Sie die richtigen Wörter ein
Hausaufgaben für Polina 17.10
Relier ColonnesVerbinden Sie die Wörter mit Ihrer Übersetzung
Home assignment for Ann 16.10
CompléterFill the gaps with the most appropriate word
Home assignment for Eli 16.10
CompléterFill the gaps with the most appropriate word
New Voc training for Eli 16.10
CompléterFill the gaps with the most appropriate word
Chilling adventures of Sabrina
Video QuizRespond to the questions
CompléterFill the gaps with appropriate words
Lesson for July 14.10
CompléterFill the gaps with appropriate word
VOC Training 13.10
Relier ColonnesMatch the word with its translation
Home assignment for 13.10
CompléterFill the gaps with the most appropriate word
Home assignment for Ann 11.10
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with its translations
Home assignment for 14.10
CompléterFill the gaps with the most appropriate word
Lesson for Ann 11.10
CompléterFill the gaps
Lesson 10.10
CompléterFill the gaps
Collocations 1 | Fill the gaps
CompléterFill the gaps with appropriate words
Miraculous | Falsches Spiel
Relier ColonnesVerbinden Sie die Wörter mit ihrer Bedeutung
Lesson for Lena 22.09
CompléterInsert the appropriate word in the sentence
Lesson for L 22.09
CompléterInsert the right word in the sentence
Lesson for L 18.09
CompléterInsert the appropriate word
FILL THE GAPS | WAR voc. home assignment
CompléterInsert the appropriate word in the sentence
CompléterInsert the right word in the sentences
Stunde mit Polina 12.09
CompléterSetzen Sie die richtigen Wörter ein
Lesson for D 11.09
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with their translation
Fill the gaps | Lesson for L
CompléterInsert the right word in the sentence
There is / are
Froggy JumpsChoose the right answer ✅️
Gummibärchen ' Fill the gaps
CompléterSetzen Sie bitte ein richtiges Wort ein
New Voc | Chores (listening)
CompléterInsert the appropriate word in the sentence
Take the nap | Video
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with their meanings
Sb. p.11
CompléterInsert the write word in the sentence
Why Is Harry Potter So Popular?
CompléterInsert the write form of the word according to the context
MIRACULOUS ' Falsches Spiel
CompléterErgänzen Sie die Wörter in den Sätzen
Fill the gaps | words from video
CompléterInsert the appropriate word in the sentence
CHORES | New Voc
CompléterInsert the right word in the sentence
Präsens | Schwache Verben
CompléterErgänzen Sie die Sätze mit den richtigen Formen
Muttersorgen - Präsens
CompléterErgänzen Sie die Verben im Präsens
Starke Verben A - Ä | fill the gaps
CompléterSetzen Sie Wörter in die Setzen ein
Deutsche Memes
CompléterErgänzen Sie die Sätze mit den richtigen Wörtern
Insert the word in the appropriate sentence
Trend music | Home assignment
CompléterInsert the appropriate word in the sentence
Words from lesson 23.08 | FILL THE GAPS
CompléterInsert the word in the right sentence
Words from lesson | Meaning
Relier ColonnesMatch the word with its meaning
Trend Music | Fill the gaps
CompléterInsert the word in the appropriate sentence
Words from the lesson 23.08 |
Relier ColonnesMatch the words or phrases with their translation
Words training for D 24.08
CompléterPut the right word in the sentence
Words from the video | K
CompléterFill the gaps
Froggy JumpsChoose the right answer
Past Simple | FILL THE GAPS
Froggy JumpsInsert the appropriate word in the sentence
Präsens + basic Verben
Froggy JumpsErgänzen Sie die Sätze mit den richtigen Wortformen
FILL THE GAPS | Letters training
Froggy JumpsPut the right letter in the word
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with its translation
FILL THE GAPS | Emotions
CompléterInsert the right word into the sentence
Relier ColonnesMatch theese phrases with the pictures
FILL THE GAPS (home assignment)
CompléterInsert the right word in the appropriate sentence
Starke Verben a - ä | FILL THE GAPS
CompléterSetze das passende Verb in den Satz ein
FILL THE GAPS (Sb. B2 p.179)
CompléterInsert the word to make an idiom / a phrase
IDIOMS (Knowing and understanding)
CompléterIsert the right word to create an idiom
FILL THE GAPS (phrases with "on")
CompléterInsert the right word into the sentence
CompléterInsert the right form of the word
Useful language (FILL THE GAPS)
CompléterInsert the right word
IDIOMS (Pairs)
Relier ColonnesMatch the appropriate word with its translation
CompléterInsert the right word to create an idiom
CompléterInsert the right word into the sentence
FILL THE GAPS (Intresting phrases)
CompléterInsert the right word into the sentence
Irregular words (MEMORY)
Relier ColonnesLet's repeat the verbs
Irregular verbs (FILL THE GAPS) part 3
CompléterInsert the right word with its past form in the sentence
FILL the GAPS (Deutsch A2)
CompléterVerbinden Sie die Wörter mit den richtigen Sätzen
Sb. p.56 FULL
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with its translation
Irregular words p.1 (Fill the gaps)
CompléterChoose the correct past form of the verbs
Irregular verbs part 1
Relier ColonnesMatch the word with its right past form
Relier ColonnesЗ'єднайте слова з їх перекладом
CompléterInsert the right word in the sentence
Lesson 30.07
CompléterInsert the word in the right sentence
Stunde 30.07
CompléterFügen Sie ein Wort in einen Satz ein
FILL THE GAPS | Sb. Ex.1 p.56
CompléterInsert the word in the right sentence
Relier ColonnesMake the groups of the irregular words
Words from Ex.3 p.56
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with their translation
Words from Sb. p.56
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with its translation
Comics auf Deutsch
Relier ColonnesVerbinden Sie die Wörter mit ihren Übersetzung
Beaty and the Beast
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with its translation
Small words
CompléterInsert the right word in the sentence
Lesson for A
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with their translations
Aufgabe für Polina 13.07
CompléterWählen Sie die richtige Antwort
AUFGABE für 12.07
CompléterFügen Sie die Wörter in Sätze ein
FILL THE GAPS (from Vlog D.)
CompléterInsert the word in the sentence
Words from the vlog | D.
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with the appropriate translation
Beaty and the Beast (FILL THE GAPS 2)
CompléterInsert the right word in the sentence
Die Hausaufgabe 06.07
CompléterSetze das richtige Wort in den Satz ein
RelierFinden Sie die richtige Antwort!
Das Wetter (2)
Relier ColonnesVerbinden Sie die Wörter mit der richtigen Übersetzung
CompléterInsert the right word
Fill the gaps
Words from the blog
Relier ColonnesMatch the word with its translation
A dancing test (Fill the gapes)
CompléterInsert the right word
Aladin "A whole new world"
Relier ColonnesMatch the right word with its transcription
Das Wetter (Adjektive A1)
Relier ColonnesVerbinden Sie die richtigen Paare
Mathe (die Division)
Relier ColonnesZählen Sie bitte
Text about dancing ?
Relier ColonnesMatch the word with its meaning
"werden" im Präsens
TestWählen Sie die richtige Antwort
Mathe (Subtraktion)
Relier ColonnesZählen Sie bitte
Adjectives A1 (Fill the graps)
CompléterPut the right word in the sentence
TestMark the correct answer
Daily life (Fill the gapes)
CompléterPut the right word in the sentence
Phrases for daily life
Relier ColonnesMatch the phrase with its translation
Blog (TV shows)
Relier ColonnesMatch the phrase with it meaning
Days of the week
CompléterInsert the right word in the gap
Mathe (Multiplikation)
Relier ColonnesZählen Sie bitte
Mathe (Addieren)
Relier ColonnesZählen Sie bitte
State phrases (B2)
Relier ColonnesMatch the words to make a state phrase
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with the appropriate translation
Fill the gaps (Divergent)
CompléterFill the gaps with the right word
Adjectives A1
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with the translation
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with appropriate translation
Beauty and the Beast (Fill the gapes)
CompléterFill the gaps
Beaty and the Beast (Vocab)
Relier ColonnesMatch the word with appropriate translation
Relier ColonnesMatch the translation with the sentences in English
Dialoge A1 (Kennenlernen)
CompléterFügen Sie die Wörter in Sätze ein
Fill the gapes (Beaty and the beast)
CompléterInsert the correct word in the sentence
Переклад речень А2
Relier ColonnesЗ'єднайте речення з їх перекладом
Fill the gapes (Twitter 1)
CompléterInsert a correct word in a sentence
Fill the gapes (Adjektive A1)
CompléterFügen Sie die Wörter in Sätze ein
Basis Verben
Relier ColonnesVerbinden Sie die Wörter mit der Übersetzung
Adjective B1
Relier ColonnesVerbinden Sie die Wörter mit der Übersetzung
Relier ColonnesVerbinden Sie die Wörter mit ihrer Übersetzung
Phrases (FILL the gapes)
CompléterInsert the right words in the gapes
Relier ColonnesMatch the word with appropriate translation
Adjektive A1
Relier ColonnesVerbinden Sie die Wörter mit ihrer Bedeutung
RelierVerbinden Sie die Wörter mit ihren Bedeutungen
Relier ColonnesVerbinden Sie die Wörter mit den Bildern
Fill the gapes (HOLIDAY)
CompléterInsert words into sentences
Fill the gapes (11.06)
CompléterInsert words into sentences
Words and their meaning 1
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with their meaning
Fill the gapes (idioms)
CompléterPut the appropriate words in the sentences
Relier ColonnesMatch the idiom with its meaning
At the weekend (text)
CompléterInsert the correct words into the text
Parts of the body
Relier ColonnesMatch the parts of the body with the right picture