Mots Croisés
Hobbies vocabulary
Read each of the definitions below. Then, find the number that corresponds to each of them in the crossword puzzle and complete all the boxes on the board with the correct words.
Present simple review
Pass each affirmative sentence in the present simple to the 3rd person singular.
Personal pronouns
Write the correct form of the verb to be taking into account personal pronouns.
Relier Colonnes
Numbers in English
Match each number in column A with its correct English writing in column B.
Relier Colonnes
Guess the age of people
Match each image with the age that you consider each person has
Read the text about animals and complete with the correct form of the auxiliary verb CAN / CAN´T
Mots Roulette
Adjectives Suffixes
Guess an adjective for each of the letters of the alphabet considering the clue and the definition
We will identify opposited-adjectives, please select the opposite of each adjective.
Relier Colonnes
Students will practice vocabulary related to countries and nationaities
Mots Croisés
Countries and nationalities
Students will practice vocabulary related to countries and nationalities.