Mots Roulette
Coffee International Day Quiz
Guess the coffee-related words for each letter of the alphabet!
Mots Roulette
Regular & Irregular verbs in the past- ROSCO
How many verbs and time expressions can you remember?
Mots Roulette
Vocabulary Review (D)
Este rosco de pasapalabra está pensado para repasar vocabulario relacionado a temas vistos en la EPJA N°12: colours, numbers, jobs, greetings and family members.
Revision of adjectives in their comparative and superlative form
Comparative and Superlative FLOR
Complete the text using the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets
Relier Colonnes
¡Busquemos los sinónimos de estos adjetivos!
Debemos unir cada una de las palabras con su sinónimo. Solo una opción es correcta. ¡Buena suerte!
Mots Croisés
Negative Prefixes (D)
It's an activity to revise negative prefixes in English by writing the opposites of words
Mots Croisés
Present tenses review (D)
Simple present, present continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous.