Passive questions
Ordonner les MotsOrder the words to make passive questions.
Words from KNOW
Mots CroisésComplete the crossword with a word derived from KNOW.
Vocabulary work: chance
CompléterComplete the sentences with an expression including the word "chance".
Third type conditional sentences
CompléterTo practice third conditional sentences.
What are they doing?
Ordonner les MotsOrder the words to describe what's happening in the picture.
PERFORMANCE-Vocabulary and grammar challenge (D)
Froggy JumpsConditionals, modal verbs, modal perfects, description adjectives with negative prefixes, conditional clauses
Vocabulary and grammar challenge
Froggy JumpsConditionals, modal verbs, description adjectives with negative prefixes, sectors-related vocabulary
Job-related vocabulary
Mots RouletteJob sectors and personal qualities vocabulary.
Environment vocabulary
Mots RouletteTo learn environment-related vocabulary.
Negative prefixes
RelierMatch the prefixes, the rules and the examples.
Language pills
Froggy JumpsLearn and practise the meaning of some idiomatic expressions
Language pills matching game
Relier ColonnesMatch the language pills and their meanings.