Match the words to their definitions
Completa el texto con las palabras adecuadas
elige la respuesta correcta
Complete the sentences about balancing work and leisure activities.
Расставьте слова по порядку
Relaciona el infinitivo con el participio
Listen to the audios and put the text in order.
Unscramble the letters of the names of the foods shown in pictures
Completa las formas de los verbos LLAMARSE, SER, VIVIR
Match the phrases to their definitions
Write the name of the food or drink
Click on the image of food or drink
find the names of the countries
put the letters in the right order
Complete the sentences with adecuate verbs
Match the verbs and the pictures
Complete the sentences with the correct personal pronoun
Match the expression to the definition
Elige la palabra adecuada
Elige la respuesta correcta
Relaciona las funciones del FMI con su explicación
Elige la respuesta correcta
¿Cuál es el objetivo del Fondo Monetario Internacional?
Identify the things in the picture
Identify the word in the picture
Escucha el texto y completa con los verbos
Relaciona las preguntas con las respuestas
Match the pictures and the words
Match descriptions to the words
Put the letters in the correct order
Completa las oraciones con los verbos adecuados en indicativo o subjuntivo
match the pictures with the words
match the job with the picture
¿Cómo se llaman los personajes de los cuentos más famosos?
match the words and the pictures
match the picture with the correct preposition
complete the crossword puzzle
Match the words and the pictures
Match the verb with the rest of the phrase
Match two halves of the phrases that describe what people do in their free time
Choose the correct answer
Match the phrase with the picture
Match the name of the job with the photo
relaciona el verbo con el participio correspondiente
Completa las frases con palabras o expresiones adecuadas
Match the parts of the sentences
match the word and its definition
Relaciona el adjetivo con su definición
Completa las frases con condicional hipotetico
Relaciona las imagenes con los nombres de alimentos
Match the idiom and its meaning
Match the song to the idiom that appears in it
escucha los audios y contesta a las preguntas
Completa los espacios en blanco con los verbos adecuados
relaciona las palabras con sus definiciones
encuentre parejas de infinitivos y participios
Relaciona la foto con el nombre de plato
Escribe el nombre de la tela
Escribe el nombre de la tela
Escribe el nombre de la tela
Escribe el nombre de la tela
Escribe el nombre de la tela
relaciona la foto y la palabra
Relaciona la imagen de la persona con su descripción
match the words with their definitions
Relaciona la imagen con la palabra
Use the clues to complete the crossword puzzle
busca sinónimos de "horrible"
Match the words and their definitions.
Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.
Choose the correct response.
Complete the sentences with the words on the right.
Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.
Choose the correct response.
Match the words and their definitions.
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
Choose the correct response.
Complete the sentences with the words on the right.
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
Choose the correct response.
Complete the sentences with the words on the right.
Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.
Choose the correct response.
Match the words and their definitions.
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
Choose the correct response.
Complete the sentences with the words on the right
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence
Choose the correct responce
Match the words and their definitions.
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
Choose the correct response to the questions.
Put the words in the correct order
Complete the sentences with the words on the right.
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
Choose the correct response.
Match the words and their definitions
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
Choose the correct response.
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
Choose the right response
Complete the crossword puzzle
Match the words with their definitions
Fill in the crossword puzzle
Match the word with the definition
Solve the crossword puzzle
Match the word and the definition
Match the words and their definitions.
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
Choose the correct responce
group the verbs according to the type of change
Match the words and their definitions
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence
Choose the correct answer
match the word and the definition
match the beginning and the end of the phrase
Complete the sentences with the words on the right
Choose the correct words to complete the phrases
Choose the correct response
elige el variante correcto
choose the correct variant
match the word and the definition
choose the word that fits the sentence best
Choose the word that best matches the definition
complete the crossword puzzle
match the word with the description
complete the crossword puzzle
match the word with the definition
choose the correct option
complete the crossword puzzle
match the word and the definition
write the word basing on the definition
choose the most suitable word
match the word with the definition
match the frase with the meaning
match the word and the definition
match the term with the definition
Escribe las palabras correspondientes
completa los espacios en blanco
match the word with the definition
completa el ejercicio con las formas del verbo ir
match 2 pieces of a phrase
match the phrases with their definitions
match the words to their description
relaciona palabra con dibujo
Indica características positivas y negativas
aprende las palabras de personalidad
completa los espacios en blanco
completa los espacios en blanco
Match the word with its meaning
practica los estados civiles
aprende el estado civil de las personas
los verbos que se usan para hablar del estado civil
Aprende el estado civil de las personas
match the beginning and the ending of a collocation
¿Qué hacemos con las partes del cuerpo?
indica los que está en la cabeza, en el tronco y en las extremidades
Indica las partes del cuerpo de Cristiano Ronaldo
busca los nombres de partes del cuerpo
Relacionar los infinitivos con participios