Cabeceras de los departamentos de Guatemala
Froggy JumpsSeleccionar la cabecera correcta
Los sustantivos
Froggy JumpsClases de sustantivos
Los informes
CompléterPresentan en forma detallada los resultados de la investigaciòn.
El informe de investigacion
Mots CroisésUna vez recopilada la informacion, se realiza un informe.
“Country - nationality”
Ordonner les MotsVocabulary Unit 4 5th
Cool Cooking
Froggy JumpsVocabulary 5th Unit 4
Vocabulary Drama
Mots CroisésSpelling 5th
Froggy JumpsVocabulary
Leisure activities
Relier ColonnesVocabulary
Mots CroisésVocabulary
Fun in the kitchen
Ordonner les LettresVocabulary
Manufacturing processes
Clothes and accesories
Mots CroisésVocabulary
Clothes and accesories
Ordonner les LettresVocabulary
Activity zone
Froggy JumpsEnglish Drama
Activity Zone 5th grade
Behind the scenes vocabulary.
Mots Mêlés5th grade Activity Zone
Behind the scenes vocabulary
Ordonner les Lettres5th Activity Zone
Ordonner les MotsCLIL math
Energy balance
Ordonner les MotsHealth balance
There is / are
Ordonner les MotsCountable and uncountable nouns
Can you help...?
Ordonner les MotsAsking for help
Spelling Activity Zone 5th
Froggy JumpsSpelling Activity Zone 5th
must / must not
Froggy JumpsObligations and prohibitions
Vocabularies 5th
Froggy JumpsGreat literature
Vocabularies Unit 2
Froggy JumpsSpelling
Enid Blyton
Froggy JumpsBiography
Direction, Street, Maps Vocabulary
Froggy JumpsActivity Zone
Charles Dickens
Froggy JumpsBiography