Oui ou NonCert o fals.
Yes/No WP
Oui ou NonLook at the images, are the sentences true or false?
YES/NO (1)
Oui ou NonRead the sences. If they are true, click on YES, if they are false, click on NO.
YES/NO (2)
Oui ou NonRead the sences. If they are true, click on YES, if they are false, click on NO.
YES/NO (3)
Oui ou NonRead the sences. If they are true, click on YES, if they are false, click on NO.
Discover the word
Ordonner les LettresOrder the letters to write a word related to plants that we have worked on in class.
Crossword - plants
Mots CroisésA crossword to practice the vocabulary worked in class
Wordsearch - plants
Mots MêlésFind the words related to plants that we have worked in class.
Froggy jumps - plants vocabulary
Froggy JumpsGames to practice vocabulary
Memory - plants vocabulary
MemoryMemory to work on the vocabulary about plants that we have worked in class.
Order letters - WT vocabulary
Ordonner les LettresOrder the letters to form words worked in class.
Word Seach (WP) - Vocabulary
Mots MêlésFind the words related to the vocabulary worked in class.
Vocabulary water pollution
Froggy JumpsFroggy Jump - vocabulary practice
A memory of the vocaulary of the water pollution topic
Crucigrama Hansel y Gretel
Mots CroisésUn cruzigrama con palabras relacionadas con el tradicional cuento de Hansel y Gretel.
Hansel y Gretel
CompléterCompletar frases
Juego de palabras: Hansel y Gretel
Ordonner les MotsDescubre las palabras ocultas en este juego basado en el cuento de Hansel y Gretel.
Oui ou NonUn juego interactivo basado en el cuento clásico de Hansel y Gretel.
Hansel y Gretel
Mots MêlésEncuentra las palabras relacionadas con el cuento de Hansel y Gretel
Desafío de palabras: Hansel y Gretel
Ordonner les Lettres¡Demuestra tus habilidades desenredando las palabras relacionadas con el cuento de Hansel y Gretel!
What is my food group?
Froggy JumpsSelect the appropriate food group of each image
Dairy Product
TestQuick quizz about dairy products
TestA quick quizz about proteins
TestA quick quizz about this food group
A series of questions about this group of foods.
Quizz about this group of foods.
Past simple (regular and irregular verbs)
Froggy JumpsSelect the correct option for the past simple of each verb
Easter Memory
MemoryMatch the words with their image
Easter scramble
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble the words
Mots MêlésFind the Easter Related vocabulary
Saving Easter (V)
Froggy JumpsFind the right image for each word.
Colour scramble
Ordonner les LettresOrder the letters
Emotions EASY
Relier ColonnesMatch the images with the words
MemoryMatch the images with the words
Mots MêlésFind all the colours
Froggy JumpsIdentify the colour
Froggy JumpsIdentify the emotion
Present continuous 1 (D)
Present continuous
Froggy JumpsSelect the correct answer
Order (p. continuous)
Ordonner les MotsOrder the words to form sentences
present continuous
Compléterchoose the correct word to complete the gap
Present continuous 1
Relier ColonnesRelate the pictures with the sentences
Jobs - English
Mots CroisésWrite the job for each description
Jobs - English
Mots MêlésFind the words hidden.
Jobs and professions
Froggy JumpsRelate the images and the words
Jobs - English
Mots RouletteRead the description or look at the picture and write the job that is described.
Franken- body parts
Mots MêlésWords search with body vocabulary
La G i la J
MemoryCada paraula té un dibuix que la representa. Troba les parelles.
G / J
Froggy JumpsEjercicio para practicar el uso de la G y la J
Mots RoulettePractica la ortografía y algunos de los conceptos trabajados. ¡Cuidado, si no se acentúan las palabras bien no contarán como correctas!