Wie geht's?
TestChoose the most likely answer to the question "Wie geht's?"
Begrüßungen - Matching
RelierMatch the German introductory questions with their logical responses.
Choose the most appropriate response to the questions in German.
Du, Sie oder ihr?
TestDecide if a given situation would use the casual "du", the formal "Sie", or the plural casual "ihr".
Spelling the German greetings and farewells. Fill in the blanks with the greetings specified.
Das Verb "sein" in Sätzen
CompléterKonjugation des Verbs "sein" mit Sätzen. Choose the correct form of the verb "to be" for each sentence!
Dialoge - Sich treffen
CompléterErste Dialoge - meeting and asking about others, fill in the blanks.
Dialoge - Sich vorstellen
CompléterErste Dialoge: dialogues for meeting and introducing oneself in German.
Recognizing German numbers. Write in the numeral that is spelled out in German.
Practice forming and spelling the German numbers. Spell out the German number in each blank.
Practicing saying hello and goodbye in German in various situations. Choose the most appropriate answer!
Deutsche Wörter zum Buchstabieren: You will hear a German word spelled aloud. Write the word in the blank as you hear it!
Das Verb "sein"
CompléterKonjugation des Verbs "sein" - Click on the proper form of the verb "to be" to match the subject.
Deutschland und seine Nachbarn
Carte InteractiveDie Länder Europas auf Deutsch: Click on the country you hear pronounced!
Die Zahlen 0-1000
Carte InteractiveDie Zahlen 0-1000 mit Audio. Click on the number you hear pronounced!
Das Alphabet
Carte InteractiveDas deutsche Alphabet mit Audio. Click on the letter you hear pronounced!
Die Zahlen auf Deutsch
Carte InteractiveDeutsche Zahlen (gemischt) mit Audio: Click on the number you hear pronounced!