
Son jeux

  • Test

    Choose the most likely answer to the question "Wie geht's?"

  • Relier

    Match the German introductory questions with their logical responses.

  • Test

    Choose the most appropriate response to the questions in German.

  • Test

    Decide if a given situation would use the casual "du", the formal "Sie", or the plural casual "ihr".

  • Test

    Spelling the German greetings and farewells. Fill in the blanks with the greetings specified.

  • Compléter

    Konjugation des Verbs "sein" mit Sätzen. Choose the correct form of the verb "to be" for each sentence!

  • Compléter

    Erste Dialoge - meeting and asking about others, fill in the blanks.

  • Compléter

    Erste Dialoge: dialogues for meeting and introducing oneself in German.

  • Test

    Recognizing German numbers. Write in the numeral that is spelled out in German.

  • Test

    Practice forming and spelling the German numbers. Spell out the German number in each blank.

  • Test

    Practicing saying hello and goodbye in German in various situations. Choose the most appropriate answer!

  • Test

    Deutsche Wörter zum Buchstabieren: You will hear a German word spelled aloud. Write the word in the blank as you hear it!

  • Compléter

    Das Verb "sein"


    Konjugation des Verbs "sein" - Click on the proper form of the verb "to be" to match the subject.

  • Carte Interactive

    Deutschland und seine Nachbarn

    Carte Interactive

    Die Länder Europas auf Deutsch: Click on the country you hear pronounced!

  • Carte Interactive

    Die Zahlen 0-1000

    Carte Interactive

    Die Zahlen 0-1000 mit Audio. Click on the number you hear pronounced!

  • Carte Interactive

    Das Alphabet

    Carte Interactive

    Das deutsche Alphabet mit Audio. Click on the letter you hear pronounced!

  • Carte Interactive

    Die Zahlen auf Deutsch

    Carte Interactive

    Deutsche Zahlen (gemischt) mit Audio: Click on the number you hear pronounced!