Read and find
Froggy JumpsRead the word and find the correct picture
Oui ou NonIs it their profession?
MemoryMatch the cards with food
My room
MemoryMatch the cards with things from your bedroom
My room
Relier ColonnesMatch the pictures and words of things in my room
How to make pancakes
MemoryMatch the cards with words about things you need to cook pancakes
TH - words
MemoryFind and match the cards with th-words
I can or can't do
Relier ColonnesMatch the cards with the words in English
without + gerund
Relier ColonnesMatch English and Russian phrases
My emotions
MemoryFind and match pictures and words of emotions
Christmas Tree Decorations
MemoryWhat can you decorate your Christmas tree with?
Our school
MemoryFind and match the cards with words from your school
MemoryFind and match the cards with costumes for Halloween
Type in the gaps with the correct words or prepositions
My food
MemoryFind and match the cards with food
My body
MemoryFind and match the cards with your body parts
My clothes
MemoryFind and match the cards with the things you can wear
Froggy JumpsОтветь на вопросы лягушонка Froggy
My farm
MemoryFind and match the cards with the things you can see at a farm
My things
MemoryFind and match the cards with the things you have at school
My toys
MemoryFind and match the cards with the toys you play
My classroom
MemoryFind and match the cards with the things in your classroom
Can, May , Must
Froggy JumpsВставь нужное слово в пробел, чтобы описать картинку.
Family words
Mots MêlésFind all the members of the family
School subjects
Mots CroisésНайдите названия школьных предметов по опорным словам
What are they doing now in the pictures?
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct activity
Food for a picnic
MemoryMatch the cards with food for a picnic on them
Parts of a bird/an animal
Carte InteractiveВпиши слова.
What animal is this?
Froggy JumpsВыберите название животного, которое изображено на картинке.
Can you find the correct half?
Relier ColonnesСоедини половинки предложений.
Birds in English
MemoryПодберите название птицы к соответствующей картинке.
Words, words, words
Mots RouletteВам нужно подписать всё колесо алфавита. Посмотрите на картинку, напишите слово, которое начинается на эту букву или же содержит её.
Animals 1
Carte InteractiveПодпишите всех животных и птиц на картинке. У вас есть 2 попытки на каждое слово.
How well do you know koalas?
Froggy JumpsFind the correct words in the sentences about koalas.
Froggy JumpsWhat colour do you see?
Lesson 18
Mots MêlésНайдите слова из урока 18
Animals 2
Carte InteractiveПодпишите всех животных на картинке
Lesson 15
Mots CroisésРеши кроссворд из слов урока 15
Active vocabulary
Froggy JumpsAnswer the questions