Listen to the audio and write what you hear
Naturalism in US and England
Mots MêlésSearch the words
Romantic Novel U.S.A
Mots CroisésRead the description and write the name of the author or book.
Possessive 's
Ordonner les MotsPut in order the words to make a sentence.
Relier ColonnesMatch the image with the audio
Ordonner les MotsOrder the words to make a sentence.
Verb to be
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in the correct order.
Weather Forecast
Video QuizListen to the audio and answer the following questions
Fox Dives HeadFirst Into Snow
Video QuizAnswer the questions accroding to the video
Profesiones en ingles
Mots RouletteChoose the right option according to the image
Past simple and Relative Pronouns
CompléterChoose when, who,whose, why, where in the following sentences
Les couleurs
Ordonner les LettresOrdena las palabras arrastrandolas o dandole clic a las letras.