Blogs, Wikis and Social Media
PrésentationBlogs, Wikis and Social Media
Web Conferencing tools & MOOCs
PrésentationIn a fast changing world, students are nowadays seeking ways how they can learn even while they are at home or during travelling. This topic will prepare the teacher to be able to assist their student...
Lesson about Apples
PrésentationFind here a lesson about apples
Mixed Quiz
TestQuiz about everything!
The Periodic Table
Relier ColonnesMatch the elements
Food wordsearch
Mots MêlésFind all the food items in the word search
Jumbled Sentence
Ordonner les MotsFix this sentence in the correct order.
Guess the jumbled word
Ordonner les LettresGuess the word which is jumbled up!
Human Body
Carte InteractivePress on the right places of the human body
Guess the famous person
DevinetteGuess who this famous person is
Matching of Food Groups
RelierMatch the items found on the screen with the correct food group.
Changing Delivery of Training
PrésentationA virtual lesson to help: 1. Building confidence in teaching online and using technology 2. One-to-one or group activities for digital learning 3. Using blended learning effectively