WB: P.51, Act. 1
TestChoose the correct option
Complete an invitation
CompléterRead and complete
Carte InteractiveAnswer the questions doing click on the invitation
infinitive of purpose
Relier ColonnesWB & SB
Student book
TestAct 3
CompléterComplete the text
Match the words with their meaning
Relier ColonnesActivity for 4th grade
Comparatives and Superlatives
Relier ColonnesChoose if the sentence is comparative or superlative
Simple Present
CompléterIn this activity, you have to order the sentence correctly. Watch out! there are some wrong options.
Visit to the farm
Carte InteractiveFarm animal names
Forma ました
Relier Colonnesrelaciona el verbo con su forma mashita
inaka no nezumi to machi no nezumi
Mots MêlésEncuentra las palabras!
Visit to the zoo
Carte Interactiveleet's see animals
Mots Croiséswrite the colors
The Snowman
Complétera little story