Ariketa honetan konparaketak landuko dituzu: bezain, adina, beste, baino gehiago, baino gutxiago..... Baietz denak asmatu! (Irudien iturria: Comparar iconos creados por GOWI - Flaticon)
Numbers (D)
In this activity we will work the numbers in a simple way, so that the infants have a first contact with a totally new language for them. The activity tries to relate how many objects or animals appe...
Mots Roulette
Around the house (D)
Work with the vocabulary in unit 2 - Around the house: - Parts of the house - Household objects and furniture - Jobs around the house
Froggy Jumps
Diversidad afectivo-sexual e identidad de género
Juego para repasar preguntas sobre diversidad afectivo-sexual
Mots Roulette
Celebrating women's day (D)
You are going to discover some relevant women for the human history while reviewing narrative tenses
Numbers (D)
In this activity we will work the numbers in a simple way, so that the infants have a first contact with a totally new language for them. The activity tries to relate how many objects or animals appe...
Mots Roulette
Past simple: Irregular verbs (D)
Complete the roulette writing the correct forms of the verbs indicated.
Relier Colonnes
y6 Environment problems (D)
Deforestation, pollution, overxploitation, climate change or global warming
Find the matching subject and object pronouns (for example, I and me)
Food idioms. (D)
Try this multiple-choice quiz to check your understanding of idioms based on food.