Condicional Compuesto
DictéeListen and try to write the following sentences in conditional compound
Palabras cotidianas 7
Ordonner les MotsOrganize the words to create logical sentences
Verbos defectivos
TestComplete the sentences using defective verbs in Spanish
Verbos más comunes 5
Froggy JumpsHelp froggy to jump on the right conjugation
Read the sentences and identify what kind they are between umpersonal and passive
Indefinidos 2 (1)
Ordonner les MotsOrganize the words to make sentence with demasiado, bastante, suficiente
Voz activa, voz pasiva
Relier ColonnesMatch the active voice sentence with their similiar in passive
Si hubiera ido, habría
Ordonner les MotsOrganize the word to create sentences in conditional 3
Tejiendo el discurso
CompléterComplete the text with the rigth connector
Expresando el cambio
CompléterComplete the biography or Johnny Depp using transformation verbs
Enfocándonos en el resultado
DictéeListen and write the phrases with the combination verb + past participle
Verbos más comunes 4
Mots CroisésComplete the puzzle with the past participle and subjunctive form (imperfect and present) of the following phrases
Acciones en desarrollo
DictéeListen and write de correct sentence
El imperativo
Video QuizComplete the excercise with the rigth form of imperative
Si pudiera, te cuidaría siempre
Ordonner les MotsOrganize the words to create conditional compound sentences
Palabras Cotidianas 6
Mots CroisésComplete the sentence with subjunctive form
Si hubiera ido a la fiesta
CompléterComplete the text with plusperfect subjunctive
Ojalá haya salido todo bien
Ordonner les MotsOrganize the words to create sentences in prefect subjunctive
Me gustó que ganara la lotería
Mots RouletteComplete the sentences with imperfect subjunctive form of the verbs
Posicionando el pasado
Froggy JumpsComplete the sentences with, desde, desde hace, hace, desde que, hace que
Cuando tenga una idea
Mots RouletteComplete the sentences with the verbs in subjunctive mode
Diminutivos y Aumentativos
Ordonner les LettresOrganize the letters to make words with diminutives or augmentatives
Yo diría Verbos irregulares
Mots CroisésAnswer the question with irregular verbs
Condicional Simple
TestComplete the sentence with regular verbs in simple conditional
Los demostrativos
Froggy JumpsHelp froggy to jump over the right leaf with demostratives
Palabras Cotidianas 5
Mots MêlésFind the following common words
Futuro Progresivo
Froggy JumpsHelp froggy to jump on the right form of future progressive
Momentos de la acción
DictéeListen and write the sentences indicating the moment of an action
Manifestando tu actitud
DictéeTry to write these sentence and pay attention to how to express acttitude
Mirando al Futuro
Mots RouletteAnswer the question with the rigth form of the verb in future simple
Conectando el discurso
CompléterRead the text and complete the blanks with the right connector
Verbo afectivos
TestSelect the right answer to create sentences with affective verbs
Pretérito Perfecto Continuo
Ordonner les MotsOrganize the words to create past perfect continuos sentences
Participios Irregulares
Mots CroisésLet´s solve this puzzle with irregular past participles
Palabras Cotidianas 4
DictéeListen and Try to write the right sentence
Select the right form of the verb in Past Imperfect
Select the right answer with verbs in Simple Past
Eres la mejor del mundo
Ordonner les MotsOrganize the words to form superlative sentences
Contando en Pasado
Mots RouletteFind the right conjugations of the verbs in imperfect past tense
Ordonner les MotsOrganize these words to create comparative sentences
Adverbios de Frecuencia
Mots MêlésLook for the adverbs of frequency hidden
Adjetivos calificativos
Froggy JumpsHelp froggy to jump and select the qualify adjective from the sentence
Expresar acuerdo o desacuerdo
Video QuizLook at the video and answer the exercises with también and tampoco
Los Relativos
TestSelect the right relative clause from the following options
Verbos reflexivos más comunes
Froggy JumpsHelp froggy to jump over the right reflexive verb
Pronombres de Objeto
Ordonner les LettresOrganize the elements and create sentences using direct and indirect object pronouns
Expresando capacidad y permiso
Ordonner les MotsOrganize the words to make sentences expressing skills or permission
De Singular a Plural
TestComplete the sentences with plural or singular nouns
Si tengo dinero...
Ordonner les MotsOrganize the words to create conditional sentences
Mirándome al espejo
CompléterComplete the story with reflexive verbs
Adverbios de Modo
Mots MêlésLook at the letter and find adverbs of manner
Eslabones del discurso
CompléterComplete the text with the connectors "para empezar, por eso, además, pero, por ejemplo, y, finalmente, pero "
Adverbios de Lugar
TestLook at the image and answer the questions
Palabras cotidianas 3
Ordonner les LettresOrganize the letters to make words
Viajando en reversa
Ordonner les MotsOrganize the words to create sentences in past progressive
Números Ordinales
Relier ColonnesMatch the ordinal numbers in column A with the images in column B
Verbos Irregulares 2
Froggy JumpsHelp froggy to jump on leaves with the right conjugation
Maquina del tiempo 2
Mots CroisésComplete this puzzle with irregular past verbs
Maquina del tiempo 1
Mots MêlésFind the irregular verbs in past simple and complete the game
Poniendo la tilde
TestListen and select the right word
Preposiciones 2
Froggy JumpsHelp froggy to jump over the right preposition
Preposiciones 1
Froggy JumpsHelp froggy to jump over the right preposition and complete the exercise
Palabras cotidianas 2
Ordonner les LettresOrganize the letter in the correct order to make words
Indefinidos 2
Ordonner les MotsOrganize the right form of the sentence using indefinites "mucho, poco, todo"
Indefinidos 1
TestComplete the sentences using indefinites "alguien, nadie, algo, nada"
Vamos corriendo
DictéeListen and write the right form of the structure Estar + gerund
Verbo irregulares 1
Froggy JumpsHelp froggy to jump and choose the right form of irregular verb
Preguntando por precio y cantidad
Ordonner les MotsOrganize all elements in the right way
Let´s conjugate properly in simple present verbs querer, necesitar y preferir
No sabes cuánto me gusta
Ordonner les MotsOrganize the words to make a right sentence
Verbos más comunes 2
Froggy JumpsHelp froggy to jump over the right leaf
Verbos irregulares en presente
Mots CroisésAnswer the question with irregular verbs and complete the puzzle
Futuro compuesto
TestSelect the right form of auxiliary "Haber" in future simple + past participle of verbs
Select the right form of auxiliary "HABER" + past participle
Select the right form of auxiliar Haber in past perfect + past participle
Complete the sentences with the correct form of auxiliar "haber" + past participle
Expresar existencia
TestSelect correct or incorrect according to structure of phrase
Números Naturales
DictéeClick on the blank spaces. Listen and write the correct number
Los posesivos 2
Froggy JumpsHelp the frog to go though the lagoon and try to select the right form of possessive pronouns
Posesivos 1
TestSelect the right possessive adjective according to the text
Usos de lo que
CompléterFill in the blanks with "lo que"
Let´s complete the sentence with the right form of verbs Ser, Estar and grammar structure Ir a + infinitivo
Haciendo preguntas
Video QuizWatch the video. Listen and select the right interrogative pronoun of the question
Find the right form of the verb to talk about, ownership or obligation
Verbos más comunes 1
Froggy JumpsFill in the blanks with right form of the verb
La Hora
Relier ColonnesMatch the hours with images
¿Dónde están?
Carte InteractiveLocate the place in the map and complete the sentences
Días, meses y estaciones
Relier ColonnesUse your memory to find the pairs of cards
Haz click sobre la forma correcta de pasado para completar el texto
Answer the right question
Verbo Ser
TestSelect the right conjugation of the verb
Mots CroisésAnswer the followings definitions of adjectives