Task 1
CompléterA short reading comprehension practice
Teaching Practicum Recalling Prior Knowledge
Froggy JumpsA short review of previous topics
Curricular adaptation types
Relier ColonnesA short introduction to Curricular Adaptation types
Minimal pairs review
Froggy JumpsA short minimal pair review.
Puzzle 2: Clue A
DevinetteRead and listen to the puzzle.
Puzzle #1
Mots MêlésUse me to describe activities you do.
Wh questions words
Froggy JumpsA short review about using WH question words.
Classroom management
Ordonner les MotsQuestion related to classroom management.
Stonehenge quiz
Froggy JumpsShort quiz to check how much you know about the Stonehenge
DEL II_Curriculum designing (D)
Relier Colonnes1. A short review on curriculum designing. 2. For items 1-4, choose the proper image to make the matches. 3. For the rest, matche the option with the correct text.
Curriculum designing
Relier Colonnes1. A short review on curriculum designing. 2. For items 1-4, choose the proper image to make the matches. 3. For the rest, matche the option with the correct text.
Teaching for reading review
Froggy JumpsA short review of models, processes, and principles of teaching reading.
Reviewing contents
TestA short review about last week's session.