Relating words.
Relier ColonnesRelate the words with their right traduction.
Matching pictures with words.
Relier ColonnesMatch the picture with the right word. This is exclusive mammals.
Matching pictures with words.
Relier ColonnesMatch the picture with the right word. This is exclusive sea animals.
Macthing pictures and words
Relier ColonnesMatch the picture with the right word. This is exclusive insects.
Matching pictures with words.
Relier ColonnesMatch the picture with the right word. This is exclusive reptiles.
Relating pictures and words
Relier ColonnesRelate the pictures with the right words,
Relating words
Relier ColonnesRelate the words with their right traduction.
Memory Game
MemoryMatch the picture with right name of the season.
Matching pictures with words.
Relier ColonnesMatch the picture with the right word. This is exclusive birds.
Listening Exercise
Video QuizIn listening exercise you will listen to a song. You will be asked four questions about the verbs found in it and its simple grammatical tense.