Memory game about Different restaurant environments
Crossword actvity about restaurant experience
Different environments which determine the customer’s expectations.
labeling and storing foods
Buying fresh food commodities
Kitchen Equipment Categories
Plating and Cooking Equipment
Sensory Element Complete Dish pt 2, texture and aroma
Mechanical Kitchen Equipment
Sensory Elements Complete Dish
Importance of knowledge ancillary services
Different Hotel Ancillary Services
Payment Methods Reservation
Important info to collect during reservation hotel
Information collected by hotel from guests during a reservation
Details to be confirmed check-in
Documentations for check in
Correct cleaning procedures to avoid food poisoning
biological contaminants game
Food contaminants categories game
Job roles in the front office department
matching activity job roles in the front office dep
Customer care practices cross word activity, SEAC yr 9
Customer care practices by the front office department
Guest cycle matching activity
Fill in the blanks, hygiene in the kitchen
Fill in the blanks front office department 2
Fill in the blanks about front office department