Demonstrative pronouns Arabic
Demonstrative pronouns Arabic
Test 3: replies and days of the week
Test 2: Pronouns and numbers (0-15)
Test 2: Pronouns and numbers (0-5)
Test 1: Greeting and Introductory expressions
Prepositions in colloquial arabic
Prepositions in colloquial arabic
Ransom of red chief vocabulary
A mother in manville vocabulary
Cardinal directions in arabic
How Did France Expand Royal Power?
describe spain's golden age
Describe the rule of Charles V and Philip ll.
Slave Trading Impacts Africa
what was life like under slavery?
Tops and bottoms vocabulary
Tops and Bottoms Vocabulary
Destiny's Gift Vocabulary
Destiny's gift vocabulary
The first four verses of the fatiha
First 3 verses of the fatiha
Where are you? Arabic style
Match the literary devices to their definitions
poem life doesn't frighten me
poem life doesn't frighten me
poem life doesn't frighten me
poem life doesn't frighten me
poem life doesn't frighten me
poem life doesn't frighten me
poem life doesn't frighten me
poem life doesn't frighten me
poem life doesn't frighten me
Match the pronouns to the verb rule
Present pronouns in Arabic
Crossword puzzle days of the week Arabic
Greetings Crossword Arabic
Match the pictures to the voice recordings in Arabic.
Choose the right conjugation of the following verbs
Complete the crossword puzzle using the fruits and veggies
Click on the fruit you hear.
Complete the crossword puzzle using the fruits and vegetables in Arabic.
Match the pictures to the fruits or veggies
Complete the crossword using the animal names.
Crossword puzzle days of the week Arabic
Crossword puzzle days of the week Arabic
find the fruits in Arabic
Present pronouns in Arabic
Crossword puzzle days of the week Arabic
Write the colors in Arabic
Greetings Crossword Arabic
Match the pictures to the voice recordings in Arabic.
Fill in the blanks with the correct greeting in Arabic
Fill in the blanks with the correct greeting in Arabic
Match the greetings IN ARABIC